Chicago Fire midfielder Acosta scores wild stoppage-time goal from inside own half to complete improbable win | CNN

A wind-assisted wonder-goal from beyond the halfway line in the last minute of play allowed the Chicago Fire to storm back for a home victory in its Major League Soccer clash against CF Montréal.


Isn’t it amazing how certain people are complaining about immigrants now Melania Trump who is an immigrant lied on her visa Trump married to immigrants the one I think came here legally the second one light on her visa so that makes her illegal. Then you got Elon Musk complaining about immigrants I wonder how many immigrants work on his Teslas, I also seem to remember, and I could be wrong Was Elon Musk born in the United States? I don’t think so. I think he’s from South Africa so doesn’t that make him an immigrant Ted Cruz who was born in Canada his parents were American citizens, but he was born in Canada so if they would’ve walked away from him he’d still be in Canada, not the United States, but it amazes me that all these people who are complaining about immigrants are either linked to an immigrant or an immigrant themselves and then they have the nerve to go on social media and tell lies about what illegal immigrants get and what should happen to immigrants when we’ve already had a first lady who was an illegal immigrant as far as I’m concerned you lie on your visa that should be against the law , and by the way, the owner of Fox News is an immigrant too. He’s from I think Australia how many other immigrants do we have working and making a lot of money in the United States and complaining about immigrants coming here stealing their jobs really are immigrants stealing the jobs of the dishwashers, the fruit and vegetable pickers I don’t think so