Minnie Driver reflects on her ‘heartbreak’ after Matt Damon split when she was 25 | CNN

Minnie Driver knows that time heals most heartache.



Cults prey on the vulnerable. Cults are typically marketed as organizations that promote self-betterment. That's why people who are on a mission to improve themselves in a person or professional sense could be susceptible to joining a cult. Those who want to heal from childhood or other past trauma and those who want to become more productive and successful in their careers might be swayed to join an insidious organization. Folks who long for greater human connection may also be more likely to fall victim to a cult. Close relationships are a human need. By capitalizing on this proclivity, cults can be that much more insidious. Community is a hallmark of any cult because it allows the leader to create a pack mentality, building peer pressure. People who were recently diagnosed with terminal or chronic illnesses, are living on their own for the first time, experienced the death of a loved one, or had a serious career blunder tend to be in fragile states, and therefore might join a group they might not otherwise acknowledge. Timing plays a big part of people's susceptibility. Not to mention mental illness can play a role too.

Seek help. You’re in a cult.

* https://www.dailywire.com...ult-ben-shapiro


