US abortions reach highest level in over a decade, sparked by surge in medication abortion | CNN

There were more than 1 million abortions in the US in 2023, the highest rate in more than a decade and a 10% jump from 2020, according to a report released Tuesday by the Guttmacher Institute


BK Johns abortion only happens when it’s needed or before the unborn is considered a child. Fact.

You keep bringing this up. Again apples and oranges and it’s pathetic

And yes they are. Women can’t get medical treatment they need to either survive or be able to have children in the future cause a bunch of suits think they know more than doctors. Again doctors won’t do abortion if the child is considered alive. You are nitpicking my words to make a false argument cause you know you got nothing.

The left is the majority of Americans and they want abortion access. You are the minority and it’s hilarious you deflected again to nothing in your rant.

Btw you pic says make America godly again? Well didn’t god give ys free will? So republicans are against god and you support them.

Sorry you lost the argument. Their bodies their choice. Stay out of it

Karen Blackerby Chambers you expect people to educate themselves when the average American adult can't even read at hardly a 6th grade level? You say a third grader could do it but they wouldn't even know were to begin with keywords on it. They don't know enough about sex or the reproductive system to know what to look up and if they do know enough about sex one has to wonder why a child is knowing such things. Seems a little creepy if you think a child that should know nothing about such things yet could research it themselves for proper education. Also if so many 3rd graders can do such research why do we not ever see it and why are the education numbers so bad?

Jason Biggers well to be fair, there is probably less than half a dozen humans on earth that I would care about helping. I don't even like more than a few humans. Also there is help for drug addicts, they most usually don't want the help. They do, they go to prison, they steal, they lie, even with people offering help. You can only help so much. When it starts declining your own physical, emotional and financial help, I'm sorry but I will put myself above that. I have experience in helping a drug addict out in more ways than they deserve. No more! Yes, when it comes to my life, my health, my existence, I have to live for me, not others. Have a good day

Rob Perouty initial comment: “anytime you ban anything you see increased rates of the thing you were trying to ban”.

It’s a fact. Not once did I say anyone was trying to have more abortions to spite republicans.

Now listen, I know reading comprehension is hard for some. Especially if you were subject to huffing paint fumes or grew up under power lines. But I think if you start from the left and work your way to the right, sound out the big words and take aspirin for any headaches, even you vcan fumble your way through it champ. It’s only a sentence after all. drop.

Jason Biggers in a perfect world people would be more responsible with all their actions and choices, but this will never be a perfect world and people will never make perfect decisions. Of course the fetus has its own DNA, but the issue comes down to whether or not a woman should be forced to carry that fetus if she does not want to, for whatever reasons. If someone wants to commit suicide, I would hope they could seek help, but in the end, they would do what they were gonna do anyway and it is not our responsibility to make sure they don't. That is something within them. Just as drug addicts can't be forced to get clean and stay clean. We need to worry about our own lives and how we can live the best, healthiest and easiest life

BK Johns an unborn child is not a living being at a certain point as science has proven. Again you took one thing I said and spun it to make your bs narrative. You knew what I meant.

You continue to say kidneys are living when they are not to try and say unborn are living when they are not at a certain point. You are making a bs argument and it’s embarrassing.

It’s her body and it’s her choice. Bottom line you and republicans think you have the right to control women. Yes or no?

All the abortion cases where it was needed prove you wrong. If your gonna continue this bs narrative I don’t need to waste my time on a moron who thinks unborn and kidneys are the same.

Aaron Lunnemann I assume you are speaking of the remarks by former Virginia Governor Northam. He was most definitely not saying that the baby could be killed if the mother does not want it. He was speaking of the situation in which a live infant was delivered but has a condition or conditions which make survival unlikely. In this case, the parents and medical team assess the situation and make a decision about whether or not to rescusitate the infant. These are complicated decisions which weigh both medical and ethical factors and are certainly not the way you have characterized them.

Aaron Lunnemann did you read the Reuters article which included the exact text of what Northam said? This kind of decision-making happens when an infant with a severe deformity or non-viable condition is delivered, whether that is because of an abortion procedure, spontaneous delivery, or c-section. You are misrepresenting it either to push an agenda or because you don't understand the situation. Any pediatrician who attends deliveries has had this discussion with at least a few parents and it is gut wrenching for all involved. When I was a nursing student in the 1990's, we did a day of NICU observation, and the day we were there the neonatologist and mother of a non-viable infant had had just this discussion. We students were told what the situation was so we would not bother the family.

Beth Wightman But if the embryo has its own unique set of DNA, how is it the host body's body Especially when at the end it is not the host body that gets discarded of? It sounds like it is more than just their body that is affected in the process. All abortions aren't from embryos either So embryos are not the only thing that should be part of the abortion discussion. I am not concerned with what is happening to their bodies, I am concerned with what they are getting rid of out of their body and for the reasons they are doing such. Should we just accept suicides as their body Their choice as well since it is what someone else is choosing to do with their body? We can apply that same logic to different things.

10ºAnthony Santos we are heading to parrot Romania with dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu.. The country’s orphanages began to fill up from the late 1960s, when the state decided to battle a demographic crisis by banning abortion and removing contraception from sale. Many of those in the orphanages were not actually orphans, but those whose parents felt they could not cope financially with raising a child.
The most horrific abuse took place in homes for disabled children, who were taken away from their families and institutionalised. At the age of three, disabled children would be sorted by hospital commissions into three categories: so-called “curable”, “partially curable” and “incurable”. The children who were sorted into the third category, some of whom had minor or no disabilities, were subjected to particularly brutal conditions. (In 1995 I went to Romania and adopted a 3 1/2 year old boy) I wonder how many republicans will adopt all these unwanted children women will have?
