وزيرة الخارجية البلجيكية للجزيرة: كلنا في الاتحاد الأوروبي متفقون على ضرورة وقف العنف في قطاع غزة

وزيرة الخارجية البلجيكية للجزيرة: كلنا في الاتحاد الأوروبي متفقون على ضرورة وقف العنف في قطاع #غزة، وفرض عقوبات على إسرائيل بحاجة إلى إجماع مثل ما تم بشأن مستوطنين في الضفة #حرب_غزة #الأخبار



YAWNING LOOPHOLES in the humanistic US democratic principles like LOVE, inclusion, diversity, huge, huge-hearted immigration policy, and all that the Statue of Liberty stands for are inviting enticements for dehumanized opportunists (Al-AVA, AL-DRAVA) lying in ambush. YAWNING means caught napping when Al-Ava and Al-Drava, who are in cahoots, PENETRATE the LOOP "HOLES" and proliferate phenomenally. Al-Ava and Al-Drava MILK the HUGE, HUGE-HEARTED IMMIGRATION POLICY and enthuse the policymakers to make the HUGE HEART EVEN HUGER and COPIOUS. Their ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO RULE THE WORLD.
It is not a figment of my grand imagination; please look at the veritable facts: one wicket down, the UK--PENETRATED and MILKED. The next wicket is the USA, followed by France, Germany, NATO ALLIES, Europe, China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Africa (one wicket down in Africa too), and finally, Russia herself--they are already PUMPING her UP.
I bet my bottom dollar that if Mahatma Gandhi were alive today, this time he would fight on the side of the British to safeguard their Sovereignty and Freedom. Sovereignty is Sovereignty, be it India's or Britain's. Freedom is Freedom, be it India's or Britain's. Please think of it: the goverment officials of "GREAT" BRITAIN ate "HUMBLE" PIE on PLANTAIN LEAVES on a HINDU FESTIVAL.