Suspect arrested after vehicle crashes into gate at Atlanta FBI field office | CNN

A car rammed into an entry gate at the Atlanta FBI field office, attempting to gain entry to the facility, according to FBI Atlanta spokesperson Tony Thomas.


Jon Schwarzkopf The American people can see Biden's America with their eyes and feel it in their wallets.

Import millions of illegal aliens.
Shower them with tax payer funded gifts.
Print/spend endless sums of money.
Allow squatters to legally claim homes.
Jail homeowners for trying to get back in.
Release dangerous thugs onto the streets.
Not a single human being on planet earth believes that any of this is rational.
Not one.
So why is this happening?
It's called the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
They WANT the entire system to collapse in order to build something new in its place.
Unless something changes, it will collapse.

Wake up dipsh*t.

Ken Manning (a) A good number of EOs that failure trump passed concerning the border were overturned by the courts. (b) If you're going to to claim the useless Republicans, who stated no border bills in an election year, blocked it because of "pork", then support your claim with evidence. Failure to support your claim with evidence is an admission that you lied. (c) There's no evidence that supports your claim that "Biden opened the border by executive order". Indeed, a border that has 24,000 Border Patrol, over 3,000 troops, a higher arrest rate than the previous administration, a lower release rate than the previous administration, and an increase in deportations, is by definition not "open".

Samuel Quate Hernandez Hello how are you doing, Application for the position of friendship and I hope we can be friends because I am a very funny and friendly person and I also want us to have some conversations and yet I am not your friend on FB,I tried sending a friends request but it was not going through so I will need you to send me a friend request to be sure at least have your attention please,,I know you get this a lot, but I just want us to have a friendly and funny conversation, if you don't mind thanks and God bless you
