Jon Stewart rips into Apple, his old boss, on The Daily Show | CNN Business

Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” Monday revealed what led to his abrupt exit from Apple


well i have been a Dem for 45 years and in that time i have never seen such a mess in our country . But since Biden has been in office I can no longer support the Dem party. they have turned the county to a third world commie mess. And if any real Dem was an American they would not support such a lying president and the party. Facts are Biden is a liar from way back , why do you folks think he dropped out of the Presidential race the first time he tried to run? Well LIAR , plain and simple .and with the classified records that he has taken in his lifetime as a senator in which was very illegal and kept in place that was not secure he should be in prison . Now when you start adding all the things he has done since he got in as a president . Open border with 10 million + illegal's that has came in our country with no vaccines or vetted , the Afghanistan withdraw that left Americans and our allies stranded . the war on oil and energy. Inflation at a 40 year high cause of his polices he put in force on day one . I have but one thing to say about that fella ..HE IS A TRAITOR TO America AND EVERY AMERICAN. HE HAS NOT WITHHELD THE CONSITUTION AND OUR LAWS ... And now when you add in the business dealing with china ,Ukraine and buying oil from Russia and other countries that are commie I would think if you was pro America you would not support such BS. Glad I voted for Trump the last 2 times and I will again. So you people that hate the USA so much please leave and go to a commie country that you want so bad to live in instead of destroying the USA for our children and grand children. And as far as MeidasTouch's they are just a bunch of liar s like the person they support and employ. And when you realize that most of the mainstream media is also ,ABC , CBS , NBC ,CNN are liars . I have watch a lot of live events and seen the twisting of the truth by all of them. So get the facts, do research and make the right choice for America.. TRUMP 2024 Make America Great Again

Do you want to know the world in which you will raise your children... Search the Internet for the child Muhammad Abu Khudair... The Jews kidnapped him, they tortured him, and when they finished, they forced him to drink gasoline and then set him on fire... Do not think that because you are in America, your family is not in danger.. The war was in it is in Ukraine...and tomorrow in Europe...and then in America...the army that bombs civilians in Gaza is the cause of this world’s affliction...and they are the ones who will be the cause of America’s a movie. The Long Kiss, the film that predicted the September 11 bombings and held the Jews responsible...Did the Afghans steal the film’s script and re-enact it in America...or did the film’s writer already obtain the plan for the terrorist operation?

Cassie Barton After all I have witnessed the last 8 years with all of the lies and cover ups I understand why a lot of formed Dems have switched parties , but at the same time we the people still must pay attention and seek out the facts still in order to make the right decisions and hope other do the same to keep our freedoms and country from more harm that has been done to us so far from the looney left for sure . And if i am correct and you reside in Illinois iI feel for you with all the bad thing going on there.. stay safe

Will House I listened to it and I felt that it was shockingly panicky ..I expect that from the right but not people like Stewart...we are decades from AI disrupting in the ways described..I mean the industrial revolution didn't kill us and neither will this ...manual laborers just learned to run equipment and operations scaled up...this is the equivalent of that for knowledge workers in my opinion a software engineer I've been exploring generative AI tools and the amateurish and naive way that AI approaches most things has me sleeping ok at will possibly cause some minor disruption in jobs that are sheer repetition but lots of knowledge work involves a constant cycle of evaluating and adjusting and applying experience and some amount of judgement to drive the optimal solution...

"Stewart returned to “The Daily Show” earlier this year, marking a welcomed arrival for the show that lost much of its its cultural relevancy when Trevor Noah hosted it."

And then CNN provides a link to an article which mentions very briefly "...never quite had the same cultural impact it did under Stewart’s stewardship." without any proof or detail.

What is the point of these sentences? Jon Stewart was a host for 16 years, he is considered a major figure in the whole history of late night shows. What do we learn by comparing Trevor Noah to him this way? All I learned is that some authors prefer Jon Stewart over Noah. Fair enough, but we do not f care.

I think it is fair to say that Noah earned a position on his own right. He managed to be a leading persona in television, he introduced new topics, aspects. I think it is also fair to say that it makes zero sense at this level to compare them. Of course we can always compare, but it does not always make sense. Not everything is competition.

Finally, about cultural relevancy and impact ... we are over a Trump presidency, maybe we'll have another one. Populists and social media and inequality polarized the world on a level that we do not see nuanced political debate any more in TV and newspapers are fighting for the readers who are willing to read deep analysis, not only tabloid fights.
In this time, we have """comedians""" like Noah and Stewart talking about important and hard topics, teaching smart thoughts, doing entertainment and real public service. So if your major concern is a childish comparison game... I do not get what kind of show you are watching.
