Special counsel Jack Smith urges Supreme Court to reject Trump’s claim of immunity | CNN Politics

Special counsel Jack Smith urged the Supreme Court on Monday to reject Donald Trump’s claims of sweeping immunity and to deny the former president any opportunity to delay a trial on charges that he attempted to subvert the results of the 2020 election.



Kathy Kincanon Nosek yes, left wing SCOTUS Justices agreeing with the conservative Justices tell us all we need to know. The fact is, the Biden DOJs weopenization of these cases in timing them for the election cycle is beyond obvious, with their proscecutor saying the quiet part out loud even. We know the far left can't win this election in a free and fair election, and with their loosing their censorship advantage with big tech used last time, their are turning to the courts to trying winning for them. It's an utter disgrace that the far left has attacked the very courts for ruling based on the constitution, that they used to love when they were far left liberal.

American Presidents break many laws whilst in office because of the nature of the job. Only idiots cannot see past their hate of Trump and are willing to destroy the Precidency just for a quick partisan trial. There is a reason why no American President has ever been put on trial before, and it is because the oposing side always understood it is a can of worms best left unopened. The Dems have become unhinged in the desire to “ Get Trump “ and are willing to burn down everytning. The Supreme Court will strike them down and perform it’s role to cool down exceses like this Federal attept to put in jail the Presidential candidate ot the other side. Those calling for the Supreme Court to strike down Presidential immunity for Trump do not realize Democrat Presidents will be next to go to jail if there is no immunity? Some of you people are just unbelieveble.

Patricia Lavandier they came here for a better life for their families. That’s what some people are missing. They wanted a better life than they had where they were. I’m pretty sure all of our ancestors felt this way. We’re a melting pot of different cultures and traditions. Trump’s family came here too in order to have a better life. Two of his wives did it too. Neither became a citizen right away. Why is their situation different?I do think we need to do something about the overcrowding but sending them back isn’t the solution. They find their way back over and over. Something does need to be done to remedy it.

Nancy Jagodowski Evers how do you reconcile that they investigated both men but only one was deemed criminal. It's dangerous to say the charges are just trumped up because it didn't go the way you wanted it to. That's the way he thinks. These are judges and prosecutors that have vowed to uphold the law. Nobody is questioning that, other than the people that follow Trump. Then you have Trump who tells us.... He wants to be a dictator. Even if it's "for a day". America is ok voting someone in that tells us this?? I respect your right to your decision and neither of us are going to change the others mind. But look at Trump as a human. The things he has said. He admits that he can get away with grabbing women because he's famous. Would you want your daughter to be left alone with him? Do you want our daughters being raised in a country where they are viewed as a second class citizen... By the actual president of the United States? Trump has already started saying that if he loses, the election is rigged. How egotistical to think that nobody else could legitimately beat you. I'm not saying Biden is perfect. I am voting for the better human. One that doesn't call undocumented immigrants from countries he thinks is dirty... Animals. Why is there a campaign called "Republicans against Trump"? Because they have a conscience. Because they know he is dangerous for democracy. These people are voting Biden because they were given no choice. He is peddling Bibles for heavens sake. Yet he is unable to speak even one verse. I appreciate the conversation with you. Have a great day. ️

Tk Tkay I disagree and I have done my research. And Biden is corrupt . The law applies to both sides. and to be honest Trump looks like a saint compared to Biden. Did Biden take classified documents when he was a senator and is he competent they say he is NOT but he says he is. is Biden allowed to pay off student loans or is it the supreme courts decision, did Texas try to close there border and Biden told them they can not. democrats believe you can abort a full term baby and Trump says roe vs wade should be the states decision. is crime rate up? are our children suffering ? is homelessness up? did Biden say he can not close the border? That is a lie. did Biden fly illegals on planes into our country? are we getting free medical like he said we would? how’s the economy? are we in involved in war? does Biden support Israel? is Israel an American ally. is Biden not supporting Israel anymore? The democrats are not the party I grew up with . they used to be for the working class. now they are so far left. the democrats are all about power. I am proud to be a Republican. This divide has to stop. I vote Red for my children. oh wait Biden did lower the cost of insulin

Kelly Simmons you go,right ahead and back a want to be dictator. Trumps words “I will be dictator on day one” our fathers and grandparents that fought and died in World War Two must be turning in their graves. Any person running for the highest office in our country should never utter those words. The FBI and the DOJ is not seaponized. The ex president has feed everyone a line of bullsh## with zero zip proof. Funny how the real Republicans that did the investigation into Trumps accusations and found nothing. Those that worked closely with him and had worked under many other presidents in both parties has said he is a danger to our country. But for now we can vote for who ever we want.

No one is above the law. Otherwise you will have murderous governments laterally getting away withurder and nothing the law will be able to do about it
This is what Trump aims for!
He dosnt want anyone to be able to stop h doing anything he wants to the people of America. He would be perfectly happy to terrorise them into submission.
He has always got his own way. He has no concept of not doing whatever he wants.
If you want a vicious dictator for President -- Trumps your man!!!! And the best of luck ,you will certainly need it. Mind you a sharp shock may well bring you all to your senses.

David Pressel You cannot impeach a sitting president. What the special counsel said was reprehensible. If Biden is a crooked president, he could have, out of vengeance, moved the special counsel to a position where he could kick upstairs. He didn't do it. That shows his transparency, though he censured the Special Counsel's statement. The fact that he has been successful over the last three years is a testimony to his accomplishments. He is old and stumbles now and then. It doesn't mean he has lost his marbles. He is doing fine.

By the way, Trump is old too. You look up his gaffes, and you'll understand he's way worse than President Biden.

Bryon Curry Traitor party??
Your emotional nonsense LIES are hilarious!! Your criminal hero Biden has committed treason with his criminal illegal alien invasion and has a PROVEN trail of money laundering from the CCP. America is compromised by this traitor.
The FBI/DOJ has been PROVEN:
1. With documents labeling parents, churches “extremists”, and as you proved with your very own words, “domestic terrorists”
2. To be colluding with big tech,documented by the Twitter files, to censor Americans
3. To have an agent start the fake Russia collusion hoax with Trump, only for that agent to be guilty and sentenced for Russian collusion himself
4. To protect criminals like Biden by doing nothing when there’s ample evidence to arrest, and will not provide documents in a criminal investigation on Biden and others even now
5. To be completely corrupt in the Durham trials with documented evidence.
These are just a few documented examples…I didn’t even get into J6, MAL, and so many others..

Try facts instead of crying like a little sissy girl with your emotional baby adjectives, you complete lying CRIMINAL.

10ºOh please, spare me the robotic devotion to a guy who has shown bad judgment in almost everything he says. He takes oaths that he has no intention of keeping. He lies almost all the time. He flip flops. He acts nice to Christians to their faces and makes fun of them behind their backs. He stole documents and shared them with people who had no business seeing them. He will destroy our democratic republic if he is given the chance. He will hand over Ukraine to Putin He is a sexual predator. He will ban Muslim countries again. If he is elected again, I believe we will be at war with the draft restored, within the first two years and we won’t be fighting with our allies. Think before voting. He is on the side of Putin, North Korea, etc. He treats women as less than. He’s just ewe.
