Start your week smart: Iran strikes Israel, Australia stabbing, Texas truck crash, presidential poll, surveillance bill

Here are things you need to know today: Iran strikes Israel Stabbings in Australia Texas truck crash Presidential poll Surveillance bill


CNN MUST get away from the model of providing a "republican" response to every Democrat appearing on the network. This outdated 60 year old model MUST be replaced with TRUTH. If a pundit is going to lie or has lied elsewhere, then, they should NOT appear on CNN. If a republican Senator (just now) says the US "cannot afford" aid to Ukraine while aid only affects 3-5% of our defense budget, then, they are lying and they should be banned from the network. If he says the border is an issue tied to Ukraine, then, that is a false narrative, a lie plain and simple. Why allow a liar to set the narrative on CNN? WWII started while the US was still in a Great Depression and the money to fight fascism became available when democracy was directly threatened. This is the situation right now. America is the richest country in the history of the world. America is 248 years old and has had a budget surplus only 21 years in it's history (last time was briefly in 2000) The "Golden Decade" of the 1950's America was in debt (from WWII) every year and still SPENT to give Americans the highest standard of living, education, etc. by far in the world. Reaganism slowly led us down the road to Fascism. Now CNN needs to LEAD us back to democracy. BAN all lying on your network. If Canada and the UK can do this, then, you can do this. Let other networks follow you in this respect.

We need a lion like Trump again. Globally, his 4 years were the most peaceful in living memory! Since the mutt took over illegally, everything has gotten out of control and every crook on the world stage is allowed to do whatever he wants. America has become a joke, being pushed around on every front! We now need a Trump again who will save us from an impending nuclear catastrophe. In the eyes of dictators, he is the most feared American of all time. We should support him and his election campaign. And if necessary, with a donation. It's not for him! It was never about the money for him! Don't let the left-wing media fool you! It is an investment for the good of America. He will make America great, strong and feared again. Let's trust Trump! He's a genius who knows exactly what to do now! He will be a great president.

CNN covered Iran's retaliatory strike on Israel with its usual bias.
Wolf Blitzer hosted the show for almost 2 hours, and never gave a disclaimer that he is Jewish, he was a former Bureau Chief of the The Jerusalem Post and worked for AIPAC before coming to CNN.

That's not important?

In addition, he had on guests of Jewish ancestry. People like Jake Tapper and Dana Bash and the President of Israel, was given a bunch of softball questions.
I don't think Palestine was mentioned, and certainly not one pro Iranian or Palestinian voice was allowed.
It's no wonder people don't watch CNN.

If you present just one side; it's not news, it's pure propaganda.

Said my american friend Joe Cliffordd. I concur with him on this just the editorial of CNN is always misleading and one sided on the middleast politics.

Iran is not so innocent, Iran Karma is coming I can hardy wait for this, and they cry over one worthless general that was killed by Israel. Iran is a terrorist country. Iran has been accused of supporting terrorist proxies in various regions. These proxies operate in countries like Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Their actions have had significant consequences, affecting regional stability and security.
It has been more than 35 years since a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took a group of Americans hostage. Some of the hostages were beaten and tortured, and even underwent a mock execution. Al Golacinski, John Limbert and Rick Kupke, were subject to a mock execution, where they were awakened in the middle of the night, forced to strip to their underwear and marched to a room in the basement where their guards made it seem they were about to be executed by firing squad. The guards fired their weapons, but they were not loaded. Then the guards laughed. Why did they do it? Limbert said it was because “they thought it would be fun.” Iranian Agents Are Facing Charges For Their Role In A Plot To Kidnap A U.S. Journalist I am grateful to FBI for foiling the Islamic Republic of Iran's Intelligence Ministry's plot to kidnap me. This plot was orchestrated under Rouhani.
This is the regime that kidnapped & executed Ruhollah Zam. They've also kidnapped and jailed Jamshid Sharmahd and many others. The Iranian government has stepped up its efforts to kidnap and kill government officials, activists and journalists around the world, including in the United States, according to government documents and interviews with 15 officials in Washington, Europe and the Middle East, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information.
Tehran has targeted former senior U.S. government officials; dissidents who have fled the country for the United States, Britain, Canada, Turkey and Europe; media organizations critical of the regime; and Jewish civilians or those with links to Israel, according to the officials and government documents. Iran’s security services have carried out lethal operations abroad since the regime took power four decades ago, officials said. More recently, they said, between 2015 and 2017, Tehran is believed to have killed at least three dissidents in Western Europe, including an Iranian Arab activist who was gunned down in front of his home in The Hague, and on and on it went by the terrorists of Iran.

Finally, all masks are off.

Last night Iran stopped hiding behind proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. And launched largest missile and drone attack in the history of humanity.

Israel's defense system executed flawlessly and repelled the attack. US, Britain, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia helped to intercept the massive barrage of drones.

So, "ceasefire now" people, stop your childish games and TikTok narratives and choose side in the historic situation.

You have 2 options:

1. Stand with USA, Europe, all the normal developed world, with countries that want peace, that form strong alliances. And yes this includes Israel (so you'll have to get rid of your antisemitism).

By the way it also includes Iranian people (not their regime), and the progressive Arab countries that want to get rid of of Islamic regimes once and for all.

2. Stand with Islamic Regime of Iran and other Radical Islamic regimes, Russia, China - all the most totalitarian, tyrannical, oppressive regimes that will take the world into dark ages if they win.

By the way, October 7th happened because Iran wanted to stop the peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

That's it, those are the options. Choose one.

And where is Palestine, you ask?
Where is the peaceful watermelon country that existed... in which years? And it was ruled... by who?

You can leave it in your children books, TikTok videos, mandala drawings.

In real world, Arabs (who call themselves "Palestinians" since the 60-ies) are going to have peace and independence and dignity, from the moment they'll want it.
All they have to do is stop m*rdering Jews and trying to occupy Israel.
And for that they have to get rid of Hamas and their puppet master - Islamic Regime of Iran.
You can help them by standing on the right side.

(lelemSLP on X)