Pregnancy complications linked to increased risk of early death even decades later, study finds | CNN

Pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, may be linked to an elevated risk of death even decades after giving birth, according to a new study.


Susan Swift Um, not quite, read the article. "Gestational diabetes was associated with a 52% increased risk of mortality, preterm delivery was associated with a 41% increased risk, delivering a baby with low birth weight was associated with a 30% increased risk, preeclampsia with a 13% increased risk and other hypertensive disorders with a 27% increased risk, the data showed." so you cherry picked gestational diabetes, but there are other risks too. I know several women close to me who had health risks in their pregnancies that were more due to the fact that pregnancies can be dangerous. Hundreds and sometimes thousand of women die in the US alone due to pregnancies each year.

Andy Man Scripturally, life begins at first breath (Gen 2:7) and in the fifth chapter of Numbers we are given a recipe for an abortofacient. In the 21st chapter of Exodus the crime of causing a miscarriage (abortion) is a mere fine, no more than mere property damage. You have no moral or scriptural leg to stand on.

Legally, the Patient Self Detemination Act of 1990 gives people the right to refuse care or to not be forced into donating blood to the needy or to be a living organ donor. Heck, this piece of legislation gives a literal CORPSE more rights than a living woman under Dobbs.

I can't wait to see what health outcomes are under Dobbs. The numbers will tell the story.

Aaron Lobliner oh yes, you definitely detect sarcasm but please note it is not directed at you since I don’t know you.

Yes, pregnancy is a dangerous proposition, but alas, that is the nature of humanity and the broader natural world as it were.

And while men couldn’t possibly know what it’s like to be pregnant from a personal standpoint, I don’t think they’re idiots either. There are, to be sure, some men as idiots as are some women.

My sarcasm is directed toward the agenda that is being pushed forcefully as well as stealthily.

I mean, it’s impossible to eliminate risk for a woman who becomes pregnant. But the risk can be mitigated. We’ve been procreating pretty much the same way for millions and millions and millions of years. Somebody’s doing something right.

I don’t think you need to be just a woman to have problems with abortion. Because it does take two people to make a baby. And most of those people have a vested interest in seeing that pregnancy turn out OK.
