JR punches a tunnel through Milan’s central railway station in latest optical illusion | CNN

The French street artist JR has unveiled perhaps his most complex Italian trompe l’oeil illusion piece yet, turning a square outside Milan’s Stazione Centrale railway station into a temporary exhibition site of epic proportions.



The largest share of the Pnnr money goes to the largest companies in every sector, including those defined by the "made in Italy" brand, the famous Strait bridge, will cost at least double and if it is finished in 10 or 15 years it will be repaid with the ticket in 35 years? Now we're aiming for nuclear power, because we still haven't managed to secure the waste we've had since the 70s, a country paved with concrete, roads and warehouses abandoned in abandoned industrial areas, the increase in weapons production for a European defense, while the pharmaceutical industry passes the table to us to sleep, the banks increase their capital and cut their staff, the post offices become insurance companies and the newspapers of a government deputy take public incentives and buy the news agencies, a invasion war on Sudan and we can believe we are an empire...
