La colère monte dans l’édition après l’autorisation de la publicité pour le livre à la télévision

Le syndicat national de l’édition craint une fragilisation du secteur ainsi qu’un appauvrissement de la création littéraire. Et surtout, un renforcement de la « best-sellarisation » du marché, c’est-à-dire une concentration très forte des ventes sur une poignée de titres les plus populaires.


I feel like if it was my Holy Land, I'd stay and fight, like the

Israel's gross domestic product shrank nearly 20% in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to official figures.

Nearly half a million Israelis have left the country since 7 October, according to data from the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority. That was from Dec. 7th.

It’s from their own internal reporting

will just keep giving Israel additional billions in aid for as long as possible to keep their colonial apartheid project alive

Sadly, it will be the extreme Zionists who stay, but this is the beginning of the end for Israel.

Keep going, looks like y'all are in for the long fight...
