Brazilian police detain woman suspected of taking a dead man to withdraw bank loan

Police in Brazil have detained a woman suspected of wheeling a dead man, who she said was her uncle, to a bank to withdraw a four-figure loan.


― Philip J. Corso, The Day After Roswell-1997
“There had to be a way of maintaining full deniability of the flying disk phenomenon while actually preparing the public for a disclosure by gradually desensitizing them to the potential terror of confronting a more powerful biological entity from a different world. It would have to be, General Twining suggested, at the same time both the greatest cover-up and greatest public relations program ever undertaken." ---------------------------------------------------------------------NASA, CNN won't do it, so I take up the slack. Trying to create an awareness.---------Attempting to encourage those that can, to do the wise and proper thing.------------------The US CONGRESS has been gifted a once in a lifetime opportunity at reigning in both the DOD, defense contractors and our intelligence communities arrogant, and constitutionally illegal involvements with the extraterrestrial reality. Any and all rogue elements involved with the system, must be taken to task. Eliminated, as the CIA would say. No more fooling around. They danced; they will now pay the fiddler.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace which is extremely unethical and immoral. We are most definitely not alone."- 36-year-old David Grusch has served in the Air Force for 14 years and is a decorated Afghanistan combat officer who had earlier worked with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). (2023)

neuromodulated by vac.cines and prions that are spread from marked to unmarked... you have not approached GOD or been interested in knowing what is happening in the world... The preaching of the WORD of GOD continue until GOD wants. Starting on April 8, darkness and evil will increase.I hope you haven't looked at the eclipse or gone out. The eclipse pass through a place called Jonah, by 7 whose name is Nineveh and another called Rapture apart from a "comet" that has been called the devil... But they won't tell you that on TV. The Bible is being fulfilled, naturally. IT IS THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN

Luke 11:30: "For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the SON OF MAN be to this generation"

Luke 21:25-28: "And there shall be ️signs in the sun, the moon️, and the STARS and ON EARTH..."

Stay at home and repent, turn to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The wrath of GOD will be poured out very soon. READ THE FULL TEXT and SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION

If he owed her munnay then I see nothing wrong here. If not wanting to deal with probate is a crime, then I guess a lot of us are criminals. And if tampering with a corpse by rolling it into a bank and then very UNconvincingly trying out a ventriloquist act on him by covering your mouth whilst saying "I'd like to make a very large withdrawal, my trusted assistant here will... assist" and using strings and pulleys to move his arms around in a very UNrealistic fashion is a crime, then I guess most people have at least attempted to be criminals.

We now live in a psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical world where :

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical politicians & governments ️ destroy ️ Freedom, Human Rights & Humanity.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical police , military ???? and so-called intelligence unit protect demonic power, ruling, exploitation and control systems but destroy common people's freedom, human rights and lives......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical ️ lawyers & the judiciary destroy Justice........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical ️ medical systems, drug industry & doctors destroy ️‍???? Health........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical education systems & universities destroy Knowledge.........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical scientists destroy Truth.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical press & media destroy ️ Information........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical religious leaders destroy Divine Revelations, Scripture & Guidances.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical ️ inhumans destroy beliefs in GOD & Grace, but they believe in devil & ️evil.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical businesses destroy human ️ Services........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical tax systems convert people into slaves to the demonic rulings, controlling & exploiting systems........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical banking systems destroy Economic Justice.......