Biden administration secures key agreement for aid distribution from US military pier being built off Gaza coast | CNN

The Biden administration has secured an agreement with a major UN agency to distribute aid from the pier the US military is constructing off the coast of Gaza, two senior US officials told CNN – a key development as the US and its allies have rushed to finalize plans for how desperately needed humanitarian aid will be distributed inside the war-torn strip.


I'm disabled and do to some injuries and surgeries had to take advantage of commodities which I hate and desperately try not to do. Just 4 months ago you got big cans of Pork, Pistachios, about 20 cans of beans, about 10 lbs. of dry beans, an insane amount of raisins, canned salmon and tuna, and canned fruit and apple sauce. Yesterday I got just 5 bags of green lentils and 6 small cans of potatoes. Don't get me wrong I feel horrible for both the Israeli and Palestinians both but the U.S. needs to learn to say no. Common sense says take care of Americans first then worry about the rest of the world. It's no wonder every American owes $100,000 towards the National debt. I'm left and Biden just gave a company that's worth 281.15 Billion dollars 9 Billion in taxpayers money as a free gift and it's NOT even an American Company !!!!!!!!!!!!! We need the middle and common sense back in Washington before there is just nothing left !!!!!!!!!!

Z1onist Claim: “Criticizing 1zrahell is antisemitic”
This is very strange claim for many reasons:
. Most Israelis are NOT indigenous to the land.
. Judaism is NOT an ethnicity: Judaism is a religion. Scientifically speaking,
there is no such thing as "Jewish ethnicity". Jews can belong to ANY ethnicity.
To hide this, it is illegal to get a DNA test in Israel without a court order.
— ln 1878 in Palestine there was 3% of indigenous Palestinian Jews before the British mandate initiated the mass immigration of settlers from Europe & later from other areas around the world.
— Most Jewish people don’t live in 1zrahell.
— Many Jewish people oppose Izrahell.
— Many Jewish people reject z10nisim. So what about all those people? Are they all antisemitic?
So if you don’t support 1zrahell you are antisemitic! (Strange claim!) what about if support 1zrahell, is there a name for that:
1. You support a state that has thousands of political prisoners.
2. You support a state that has laws that discriminate against the non-Jews.
3. You support a state that gives less water to Palestinians because they are not Jews.
4. You support a state that on a regular basis, as a policy, k1lls Palestinian civilians. Not by mistake but as a policy.
5. Izrahelli people according to jews themselves lived in middle east in peace for hundreds of years including in Palestine, Until Zi0nist movement took over Palestine and started ethn1c cleansing.
Finally, Palestinians accepted refugees Jews from Europe after they were prosecuted by Europeans, t0rtured by Europeans, & forced to leave by the Europeans! Palestinians, gave these refugees homes to stay in! when the Zi0nists attack Palestine in 1948 there was already 8% Jews of Palestinians populations prior to the invasion, And this is well documented in history!
So Palestinians have no issues with Jews but the issue here is with the Zi0nist greedy c0l0nial state of Izrahell not the Jews.
Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) for decades, prior to 1948 lived side-by-side in peace with Jews . Until Z10n1st arrived and decided to steal and m@ss@cre and commit 3thnic cle@nsing, etc.
So opposing all of that is antisemitic! and supporting all of that is ok???? How is that even make sense?
Criticizing any r@cist regime is the right thing to do regardless!
The Skin & Organs Theft Scandal
● Skin Bank: Israel has the largest skin bank in the world, exceeding the American bank established 40 years earlier despite Israel's much smaller population, and although the vast majority of Israelis DO NOT donate due to religious beliefs. Israel acquired its world record by stealing skin and organs from Palestinians without consent.
● It's very TRUE: Several investigations, including one by journalist Donald Boström in 2001, have provided conclusive evidence. In a 2009 documentary, the former director of the Israeli Institute of Forensic Medicine, Yehuda Hiss, confirmed the theft of organs from Palestinians' bodies. He stated, "We took corneas, skin, heart valves, & bones... Almost everything was done unofficially without permission from the families".
Who is Izrahell ?
Izrahell In 1948, Menachem Begin was in charge of the unit that sl@ughtered the inhabitants of Deir Yassin, including 100s women and children. Search Deir Yassin on YouTube.
In 1953, Ariel Sharon led the sl@ughter of the inhabitants of Qibya, and in 1982 arranged for their allies to butcher more than 2,000 in the refugee camps of Sabra & Shatila.
Izrahell is Carved in 1948 out of 78% of the land of Palestine, dispossessing its inhabitants & replacing them with Jews from the ghettos of Europe & other parts of the world.
While the natives whose families lived on this land for thousands of years are not allowed to return, Jews from all over the world are welcome to instant citizenship.
Izrahell In 1967 swallowed the remaining lands of Palestine - East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza - and placed their inhabitants under an oppressive military rule, controlling and humiliating every aspect of their daily lives.
Izrahell have the power to control American policy. American Izrahell Public Affairs Committee can make or break any politician of its choosing, and as you see, they all compete to please Izrahell.
All the forces of the world are powerless against Izrahell , including the UN as izrahell have the American veto to block any condemnation of Izrahell w@r crimes.
As Sharon so eloquently phrased it, “We control America”.
Izrahell influence American mainstream media too, & you will always find the news tailored to Izrahell favor.
Israhell have invested millions of dollars into PR representation, and CNN, New York Times etc

Z1onist Claim: “Palestine never existed”
I will let the only female prime minister for the state of Izrahell answer this false claim in 30 seconds, click this youtube link
Golda Meir
Old Testament Genesis 26; (Now there was a famine in the land, besides the former famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Gerar to Abimelech king of the Philistines.)
�The Yehudi had controlled Jerusalem for around 500 years, say historians -compared to the 1,277 years it was subsequently ruled by Muslims and the 2,000 years, or thereabouts, it originally belonged to Canaanites (Palestine).
From the archive of Pharaonic Tell Al-Amarah, the names of the kings of�Palestine.�� - Abdi-Hepat, King of Jerusalem
⁃ Melchizedek, King of Jerusalem
⁃ Biridija, king of Megiddo
⁃ Widia, king of Ashkelon
⁃ Yahtiri, King of Gaza
⁃ Yabniilu, ruler of Lachish, the Palestinian village of Qibya
⁃ Zimri de Zimridi, king of Lachish, the village of Qibya
⁃ Sipti Ba-Lu (Sipti-Ba-Lu), ruler of Lachish, the village of Qibya
⁃ Lab'ya, the Canaanite city of Shechem, Nablus
⁃ Malkili, ruler of Gezer
⁃ Zatatna, the king of Acre Akko
⁃ Abdi Milki, from Shechem, Nablus
⁃ Abdi-Tirsi, king of Hazor near Safe
⁃ Suwardata, king of Qiltu, Hebron�
⁃ Thanks for the pharaohs for the records!
⁃ EA #243 King of Megiddo Bridia to Pharaoh #2
⁃ EA #244 King of Megiddo Pridia to Pharaoh #3
⁃ EA #245 King of Megiddo Pridia to Pharaoh
⁃ Abdi Hiba, King of Jerusalem

Human shield
BBC has removed Jeremy Bowen from Gaza, its most experienced Middle East correspondent for saying "He had not seen any evidence of H@mas using civilians as human shields." Israel complaint to BBC and said that this was pro-Ham@s and BBC immediately pulled him out of Gaza.
However Izrahell on the other hand uses children all the time as a human shields.
A lawsuit was filed against IOF IN 2003 for using Palestinian children as human shields to advance their military invasion, the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 against IOF condemning such practice & demand ending of such practice. Until this day IOF still uses Palestinian children as human shield.
History of the Jews
The historical Journey of the Jewish people over the past thousand years a series of short histories relating to community relations with Jews over the past thousand years.
1080 – Expelled from France.
1098 – Expelled from the Czech Republic. 1113 - Expelled from Kievan Rus (Vladimir Monomakh).
1113 – Massacre of Jews in Kiev.
1147 – Expelled from France. 1171 – Expelled from Italy.
1188 – Expelled from England.
1198 – Expelled from England.
1290 – Expelled from England.
1298 - Expelled from Switzerland (100 Jews executed by hanging).
1306 – Expelled from France (3,000 burned alive).
1360 – Expelled from Hungary.
1391 - Expelled from Spain (30,000 executed, 5,000 burned alive).
1394 – Expelled from France.
1407 – Expelled from Poland.
1492 – Expelled from Spain (law banning Jews from entering the country forever). 1492 – Expelled from Sicily.
1495 - Expelled from Lithuania and Kiev. 1496 – Expelled from Portugal.
1510 – Expelled from England.
1516 – Expelled from Portugal.
1516 - Laws in Sicily allow Jews to live only in ghettos.
1541 – Expelled from Austria.
1555 – Expelled from Portugal.
1555 - A law is passed in Rome allowing Jews to live in ghettos only.
1567 – Expelled from Italy.
1570 – Expelled from Germany (Brandenburg).
1580 – Expelled from Novgorod (Ivan the Terrible).
1592 – Expelled from France.
1616 – Expelled from Switzerland.
1629 – Expelled from Spain and Portugal (Philip IV).
1634 – Expelled from Switzerland.
1655 – Expelled from Switzerland.
1660 – Expelled from Kyiv.
1701 – Completely expelled from Switzerland (Edict of Philip V).
1806 - Napoleon's Ultimatum.
1828 – Expelled from Kyiv.
1933 – Expelled from Germany and genocide.
*This short historical series deals with the relationship of world society with the Jewish people over the last thousand years, and you note in it that not everyone in the world tolerates and tolerates their crimes, except for Islamic society which tolerates them. , and they were never expelled* *That is the reward of Muslims* *On May 14, 1948, the State of Izrahell was established in Muslim Palestine.
It's time for Israel to leave Palestine!

If after a 195 days of a complete sl@ughter of 36 thousand Palestinian children and women raining them down with white ph0sphorus b0mbs burning them alive, carpet b0mbing a whole city destroying neighborhoods in a c0ncentration camp, no where to hide. after Izrahell government injuring 62,000, plus 30,000 missing under rubble. 2,000,000+ internally displaced. 400,900 houses bombed. 31/35 hospitals out of service. 193 health facilities. 102 ambulances. 223 schools. 1200/1200 mosques, 3 churches & the third oldest church on earth, targeting Journalists, cutting off water food and medicine of the whole population (which is a textbook g3n0cide and w@r cr1me), cutting off oxygen of premature babies leaving them to d1e and committing the worst cr1me in our modern time , and probably in history & you are still supporting the children k11lers Izrahell , then you are der@nged, psych0path, imm0ral, b@rbaric, bl00dthirsty, r@cist, s@distic, s@vages like they are! And all your talk about human rights and the rule of law and all of that is just hideous hyp0crisy!!
