Documents found on a North Korean server suggest US studios may have unknowingly outsourced animation work

The US has imposed strict sanctions prohibiting American companies from doing business with the nuclear-armed regime.


Michael David Simple music can make you sing, a simple hug can make you feel better, simple things can make you happy, I hope my simple hello will make you smile. Many people will come and go from your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Friendship is one of the most beautiful feelings to live because it gives wealth, emotions, complicity and because it's free. Suddenly you see each other, you choose, you build a sort of intimacy; You can walk side by side and grow together while traveling on different roads, even if they are distance, like the two of us hundreds of thousands of kilometers.... I took the liberty of writing my thoughts.... here where you could write... is it possible to make friends?... Thank you for reading it... Sometimes it doesn't take much to be friends... you can add me as a friend or private message me on messenger, hope to hear from you soon thanks.

Steve McAnally And by the way, the law is pretty straight forward. It forbids the US in engaging with economic and military assistance to countries that do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections. Since Israel always refused any IAEA inspections, they are in violation of the Symington Amendment, regardless of whether they are in effect in possession of nukes or not. You're not even capable of interpreting laws properly. Please shut the front door.

What is Singapore going to about it? Nothing I guess. But that's not the point, we know we are small and diplomatically insignificant.
The point is your country doesn't respect your own laws, doesn't respect international law, and you are still here barking out loud your own ignorance and moronic statements while pretending you have a superior intelligence. You're just an arrogant hypocrite who probably think you're the best country in the world, while yourself didn't contribute nothing to society. You're just a freeloader taking the credit and achievements from others, and still think you're in position to moralize others. Shut the f up moron.

Steve McAnally Are you kidding me? Now you're invoking plausible deniability as a defense?
You should be reminded that Iraq never admitted being in possession of WMDs, allowed international inspectors who found nothing, and still got invaded a second time, because your country lied to the entire world that they had WMDs.

Even if Israel didn't admit it, everybody know it has nukes. Even the US pressured Israel to let IAEA inspect their facilities, which is an admission that they are in possession of nukes.

Not only your IQ remain below room temperature, but you're deliberately trying to find excuses for Israel and for your own government ignoring its own laws. You're a hypocrite who just got owned at your own game.
