3.6 million Medicare enrollees may now be eligible for Wegovy coverage | CNN

About 3.6 million Medicare enrollees may qualify for coverage of the anti-obesity drug Wegovy, according to a KFF analysis released.



Nick Youngblood Guess you don't have a tilted pelvis causing 1 leg to be shorter than the other. Bursitis in your hip joint that sends a burning sensation in the joint and down your leg when you walk excessively. Or sciatica and scoliosis brought on by 29 years of working in the small package industry.
When you have those issues, get back to me.
I spend more now on relax the back, high end mattresses, physical therapy, orthopedist, chiropractor. I could have bought 2 nice houses.
If I had to do it again, I would chose a different career path. I went from 129lbs, to 230lbs over time, because I am in pain. I still work, and power thru my pain in my warehouse job, but if I can get help loosing weight, it might help my body pain a little.
