Peruvian woman becomes first person in country to die by euthanasia

Euthanasia is prohibited in Peru, but in February 2021, a Peruvian court ordered health authorities to “respect [her] decision.”


James Harper There were NO groceries on the shelf especially TOILET PAPER. "Inject disinfectant into your BODY and the light bulb also in your body (somewhere) to kill covid", HE SAID. .... Worst case scenario IN THE WORLD of covid deaths while trump went golfing and made sure Nurses and aids had NO PROTECTIVE garments while treating patients. Morgues in trucks outside of hospitals. BIDEN STOCK MARKET CRUSHES trump's. Trump DEFICIT went off the charts because of tax breaks for himself and the rich. Unbelievable high unemployment under trump. He separated CHILDREN from their parents traumatizing them for the rest of their lives at the border. Trump sucked up to his best friend Putin and that is probably why they invaded Ukraine. ....Everyone knows the president has nothing to do with gas prices. ETC ETC...VOTE BIDEN .He is bringing back the economy that trump destroyed. ????????????