US military begins construction of pier off Gaza for complex and dangerous aid delivery mission | CNN Politics

The United States has begun construction at sea of the temporary pier intended to help deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, the Pentagon said on Thursday.


Giancarlo Sankara Calabria ok, you keep saying HamasGaza Hamas Gaza and telling me how to take out Hamas, are you going to call out the Zionist and the IDF and guide me on how to take them out??
They killed over 36 THOUSANDS innocent people so far, a child os being killed or injured every 10 minutes not by terrorist Hamas by terrorist IDF and the Zionist or are we just going to keep going on circles here and at the end the white life is worth more than the brown ones??

No democracy in Israel and it’s an occupation nothing to takes notes from

Bonnie Thomas do you know the status of the AMERICANS who were kidnapped by Hamas and now being held hostage? Two are known to be DEAD. .................. Remove the military blockade? Now do you really think Hamas terrorists would NOT cross into Israel if Israel removed the blockades? .. If you do, I have some swamp land here in Florida I'll sell you real cheap ............Remember, it was HAMAS that violated the cease fire with Israel made in May of 2022 with their missile attack on Oct 7th. Or were you not aware of that 2022 cease fire agreement?

Doug Bertolette Well, let me tell you about Doug. Doug's like that one friend who reads a Wikipedia article and suddenly believes he's the next Nostradamus. He'll chat your ear off about water religion – you know, the sacred rites of hydration – and boast about his grasp on world history (probably mixed up with Hollywood plots). Oh, and climate change? He's got it all figured out from a meme he saw last week. Bless his heart, he's an expert in everything and nothing at all, simultaneously. But hey, at least we get a good laugh out of his confident ignorance!

September Saudi Arabia joined brics and was preparing to dump the dollar.
Oct 3-6 NATO countries had emergency alerts Oct 7 Israel is "attacked".
29 Oct most western energy companies signed contracts for gas exploration on the very land they're bombing.
Building the Ben gurion canal to replace the Suez canal.
The port is built right on top of gas deposits.
The concert survivors said they were shot at by IDF apache helicopters,
Israel carpet bombs and starves hostages together with their captors, and shoots dead those that escape like the 3 naked hostages waving white flags that they shot and killed and even hunted down the only survivor and finished him off.
Never been about any hostages just a live streamed genocide for gas, a canal and new settlements.
That's why the world hates the US

Well..guys...someone has to destroyed the statue of Columbus, you shattered half of America with Black Live Matters, and now in state universities demonstrating for Hamas' right to have a state? hamas? a state? let me step, a bin laden statue under the World Trade Center? Who should we put in al Zawajri instead of Lincoln at the memorial in washington?? no, I'm asking because if it's all an avant-garde theatrical tragedy/farce experiment I want to know. are you all going crazy? Coz i truly are the land of the free, and home of the brave..crazy, but brave nontheless.

Mohammad Mohammad Sallah I'm afraid Isreal could turn Iran into a sheet of glass if the US didn't keep pressure on them.

The US aims for peace, and that means tollerance of a Jewish state in the middle east. The Jewish people were driven from that land centuries ago, and since some Europeans nearly exterminated them in the 1940s, they have no place else to go.

Muslims have land from north Africa all the way to Indonisia. Many Americans view Hama's attack as nothing less than a vicious attempt by radicals to eliminate the only non-muslim majority country in the region.

Ahmed Altaji i tell you goodbye and good luck with my last words here. Coz more words, more mistakes. Since october 7. I never seen, One manifestation, one. against hamas. Non a serious one, even a small one, to prove a small point. Last year in israel nethaniau was almost kicked out out of power by the thousands roaming the streets. The head of intelligence in Israel has been dismissed for his failures. Difference.
With this i tell you good luck and have a good life in peace and prosperity. And may your dreams come true, but (BUT) ONLY AND ONLY IF YOUR DREAMS ARE NOT THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL AND HIS PEOPLE. Coz we would not accept that. and we are able and we will be able don't doubt about it. To defend and retaliate in the way that we will feel appropriate based on the situation.

Ahmed Altaji the best prayer is political action by the people, for the people. But first you must decide what do you want. Start a serious demonstration against hamas, and must be partecipated, alla gaza and other territories must go. No weapons, find leaders that have the right mindset to build a state, leaders that have Gaza and their people in their heart BEFORE themselves, leaders that have a future outlook. A democratic state, where people have a choice for real, kick out the destroyers of ideas, and invite builders. Don't follow an extremist wing of some sort, not the ones that scream higher, not the ones that give you a small and short satisfacion maybe with some level of hate involved, but leaders that know where to go and wich streets to take. Take example from people in israel that fight their own government in israel but within the rules of political dialectic and not with violence, persuade others to follow, create yourself a moral and an ethic of a state and when you reach the level of partecipation needed, only than create a serious proposal. But you want that? Coz hamas is antithetical with the rules of democracy. Good luck, if you want, you will. God be with you.

Dear Civilized World,
Imagine your dignity,your freedom,your basic human rights,your water,your food,your income,your movement,your basic human needs are in the hands of your occupier who makes sure you're reminded,they're in control 24 hours a day,12 months a year with every breath you take for 75 years now,how would you feel?Open your eyes.Speak for the truth, justice, dignity and humanity.Be a voice for the voiceless. Thank you Gaza for exposing Israel…Ethnic cleansing and genocides of Palestinian ppl started in 1948 (and even before). A total of 5.1 millions Palestinians have been killed by Israel since 1948 while 1 million were expelled outside Palestine with no right of return. 3000 Palestinians are killed every year ( direct and indirect killing combined), 8700 attacks against Palestinians by the Israeli army and the settlers are recorded every year..almost 1000 Palestinian facilities are demolished every year to expand the israeli settlements..before 1948 the Jews controlled 6% of the Palestinian land…as per today Israel has annexed 85% of the Palestinian land…Since Oslo, the West bank has been divided into small areas separated by the settlements which makes it impossible to have a Palestinian state…both West bank and Gaza are like Open air prisons where Israel controls the borders , the water, energy , supplies..etc everything is controlled by Israel…Israel never considered a two states solution..its founder have clearly stated that whole of Palestinian land is for the Jews….the claim that Palestinians want the destruction of Israel has completely fallen apart and the narrative is starting to admit the fact that Israel is an Apartheid state that is losing global support…
