Paris 2024 : à Athènes, Tony Estanguet reçoit, pour la France, la flamme olympique

La flamme des Jeux olympiques a été formellement remise, vendredi, par la Grèce au président du comité d’organisation. Elle embarquera, samedi, à bord du « Belem » pour rallier Marseille.


These American Universities aren’t just cracking down on student protests for the sole sake of Israel’s Occupation.

These universities have diversified investment portfolios heavily invested in the Defense and Energy Sectors.

An ongoing weapons test in Gaza, and the exploitation of the Gaza Marine Basin…

Remember, American universities are for-profit institutions. The whole system needs an overhaul.

I can’t wait for the pyrotechnics to start. American university students will prevail and that fact is what has changed the US historical rudder in our journey.

Kudos to the rebels who dream of a better world.

Kudos to all the students, faculty and other university-affiliated personnel who dare dream of a future free of oppression and occupation everywhere
