Biden and Trump inch closer to debate stage | CNN Politics

After a full court press from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and its allies, he and Joe Biden may be one step closer to meeting on the debate stage.


I don't know where or when, but I do know there will be ice cream with sprinkles. And no stairs. But here’s the problem. If there is a debate the bar is so low for Biden that if he just shows up and doesn’t fall flat on his face the media will say what a great job he did, and declare him the winner just like the state of the union address fiasco. Also, I hope that Trump has learned to hold back, and not jump in when Biden falters such as what happened in their last debate. Trump actually helped save him in those 2020 debates albeit unintentionally.

I’m literally watching Biden destroy this country, day after day and yet I can ALWAYS view CNN to see Biden supporters! President Trump isn’t a saint and I certainly don’t agree with all his policies but he has the backs of Americans vs Biden who turned his back on Americans from the beginning! The fact that any American will vote Biden just blows my mind! You do realize the witch-hunts started against President Trump before he became President and has been going on every day since……yet yours truly Biden hasn’t been held accountable at all….hello-anyone of you have any functioning neurons……

Jesse Dinoia Your rosy libertarian world is only beneficial for a small percentage of people, mainly those who already have wealth. And, those who want to get away with exploitation and not have to worry about government interference. It's been tried before, in the late 19th century, and it's failed miserably. We know better now than to adopt the libertarian approach. There's a very good reason people don't vote libertarian, and it's because your solutions are outdated and irrelevant. You decry government as being the greatest evil, but as we now know, private corporations, firms, and individuals can be just as oppressive and damaging to society, if not more so. As I said, we'll take you seriously once you capture more than a tiny fraction of the popular vote. Until then, keep believing in your discredited and ignored solutions.

Trump doesn't have a plan to address our school shooting crisis, but Trump and his buddies certainly like to disrespect survivors and victim's families. Biden should bring that up, for sure.

Here is Boebert throwing away a 10 year old school shooting victim's memorial pin in front of the people who gave it to her.

Here is MTG sarcastically telling a school shooting survivor, "terrible break."

Santos wore an AR pin when he knew families who lost kids in school shootings would be visiting the Capitol.

Burchett thinks we shouldn't address our school shooting crisis because, "We're not gonna fix it...criminals will be criminals." "We gotta change people's hearts." Then he said his kid is home schooled so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson called school shooting survivors "prosti-tots".

A days or two after the Iowa school shooting, Trump told grieving families to "get over it".

Travis Christopher I can at least address a couple of those, but I’m busy writing a paper right now, so I’ll stick with why laws were changed and why they should be changed further against your wishes. Also, I’ll touch on the Uvalde situation/ school shootings.
1. All gun laws are unconstitutional. End of story there.
2. In regards to school shooting situations, especially Uvalde which has the most useless and incompetent police force I’ve ever seen, they further my argument I’ve made before that all schools should have armed staff members at all times. Open carry so that anyone with bad intentions know there will be repercussions. Gun free zones shouldn’t exist. They encourage those that would do harm to do exactly that.

Brett Weddle You're busy? That's okay. I can wait weeks. I look forward to hearing all of your well-researched answers to the numerous questions and points I've posed.

1. So you're saying you're opposed to all gun related laws?

2. Professional armed guards have proven to not be a consistent deterrent to school shooters. A simple case study of the Parkland, Sante Fe, or Dallas tragedies sufficiently shows that the plan to have armed guards and/or armed teachers is insufficient.

Uvalde had their own school police force. How did that work out? They didn't deter the shooter, who had attended school there before and who expected an officer to be there. Eventually, 370 officers from various agencies eventually showed up and did nothing for over 70 minutes while the shooter terrorized children and teachers in multiple classrooms, including my friend's loved ones. The officers not only stood outside the room doing nothing for over an hour, they also blocked streets and prevented some ambulances from accessing the school. School busses that were closer transported injured students to hospitals. The officers even told a medievac chopper to not land at the school because there wasn't room. (There are large fields around the school.)

You can't look at school shooters the same way you look at most other criminals. A bank robber, for example, intends to walk away alive from their crime, but many school shooters do not. Point being, they're not all going to be deterred by an armed guard.

For those supporting armed guards as a solution to our school shooting crisis, how will all these guards be funded? One party isn't known for funding schools well and will likely fight any legislation calling for more funding.

Also, what about all of the incidents involving trained professionals that have occured from having guns carried on school campuses? (See articles.)

I'm not opposed to having armed guards. I'm just saying that history proves they aren't a "solution" by themselves.

Brett Weddle 1. If people are the problem and guns aren't a factor, why doesn't the Right want to limit people (who have already proven themselves to be dangerous) from obtaining guns?

For example, leaders on the Right fought for CONVICTED domestic abuse perps to have firearms.

a. A significant number of mass shootings are related to domestic issues.

b. Firearm related offenders have higher recidivism rates than non-firearm related offenders in every Criminal History Category. (U.S. Sentencing Commission)

c. The original law stated that CONVICTED domestic abuse perps were permanently banned from gun ownership, but leaders on the Right changed that to where after 5 years the convicted domestic abuse perps can have guns again.

"A misdemeanor crime of domestic violence is an offense that:

Is a misdemeanor under federal, state, or tribal law; Has, as an element, the use or attempted use of physical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon..."
2. If people are the problem, why does the Right often blame mass shootings on mental health issues but then often cut mental health services? Explain that. They're claiming to know the "solution" to our school shooting crisis, but they often work against it.

3. There are multiple factors that contribute to our mass shooting crisis; mental health issues, a weak criminal justice system, and easy access to firearms.

4. You can't deny the role guns play in making mass attacks easier to carry out. Most weapons are not nearly as deadly as firearms.

5. If you were a fourth grader trapped in a classroom, like the Uvalde victims were, would you rather the intruder have a knife or a gun?

You can't deny that guns are a far more efficient weapon than most others. If they weren't, people would use other weapons more often in mass attacks. I'd much rather face someone with a knife because they have to be within close proximity of their intended victims,and it takes a little longer to inflict a wound on each one. During this time, people may escape or fight back.

6. Do you think the Uvalde shooter would have been able to kill 21 people and injure 17 (some through walls!) with a knife?

7. Do you think the 370+ officers there that day would have hesitated for 70+ minutes if the intruder would have had a knife? Two officers (including the chief) even said they were hesitant to breach the rooms because of the gun type.

8. Spare me the, "shall not be infringed," rant. Just because I'm saying gun control can help address this problem doesn't mean I support total gun bans and confiscations. I don't.

There isn't a serious attempt by anyone in power to enact a total gun ban and confiscations, so don't act like the 2A is under a real threat. If you disagree, show me a realistic legislative bill that calls for total gun bans and confiscations.

9. The gun industry has done a masterful job of convincing half the population that gun control always equals total gun bans and confiscations. It doesn't.

10. The general goal of gun control is to limit who has access to firearms. For example, convicted domestic abuse perps, people who display dangerous warning signs (i.e. violent history, threats, self harm), etc. should not be purchasing firearms. Some focus on strengthening background checks so people like the Uvalde shooter couldn't have purchased their weapons. (He was known for carrying around bags of dead cats, cutting his face, starting fights, treating females aggressively, having the nickname 'School Shooter', etc.) Some focus on banning future sales of certain weapon styles, which I'm on the fence about because of the idea's pros and cons. Others focus on increasing the purchasing age for certain models.

11. Trans? Are you referring to the tiny fraction of trans shooters? All gun nuts who carry out school shootings should be addressed.

If Republican leaders care about a school shooting, it's only because the shooter was part of a minority they dislike. Any other time they just offer "thoughts and prayers" before quickly moving on.

They ranted about wanting the TN shooter's manifesto, claiming they'd use it to help prevent further attacks. That was false. What did they do with the info when it was leaked? They did nothing but bash the trans community. I'm not a subscriber of that group, but focusing on just that aspect of the shooter was unproductive.

They also left out important parts of the story. For example, they claim that in the manifesto, the shooter was said to have chosen this school because it had less security. (This is part of their "hardening schools will solve everything" plan that they don't even want to consistently support.) However, they neglected to mention that some Covenant staff were armed. They didn't deter or stop the shooter. I'm not blaming the teachers (it's not their job), I'm proving that the plan is insufficient.

If Republican leaders truly cared, they'd be consistently taking real steps to make schools safer with REAL school safety bills, not fake show bills that are unfunded mandates. Instead, they spend time blatantly disrespecting survivors and victim's families.

Here is Boebert throwing away a 10 year old school shooting victim's memorial pin in front of the people who gave it to her.

Here is MTG sarcastically telling a school shooting survivor, "terrible break."

Santos wore an AR pin when he knew families who lost kids in school shootings would be visiting the Capitol.

Burchett thinks we shouldn't address our school shooting crisis because, "We're not gonna fix it...criminals will be criminals." "We gotta change people's hearts." Then he said his kid is home schooled so he doesn't have to worry about it.

A days or two after the Iowa school shooting, Trump told grieving families to just "get over it".

12. Let's hear all about these "solutions" that have been addressed by Republicans (or Libertarians).

trần đức lương.trần đại quang.trần đức lương vingroup... công ty vigroup bán ô tô dầu khí cũng bị đóng cửa, bán lẻ siêu thị vinmart cũng đóng cửa bán điện thoại cũng đóng cửa kinh doanh lỗ phá sản ô tô.Chỉ biết mỗi bán đất có bán đất là trụ lâu... lỗ hoài quá kém...không biết cái gì chỉ giàu nhờ đất em trai tỷ phú đất phạm nhật vượng là phạm nhật vụ bị bắt vì bắt tay cấu kết đưa tiền hối lộ giống y trang y đúc trịnh văn quyết công ty đất FLC trương my lan và trịnh văn quyết giàu lên nhờ mua bán đất cách làm việc giống phạm nhật vũ em trai phạm nhật vượng từ bán mì ăn liền mì gói giàu nhờ mua bán đất công ty đất vingroup.phải có chống lưng mua bán đất mới giàu nhanh được. Bán mì tôm không giàu bằng bán đất.Đất là món hàng đứng nhất.công ty aic nguyễn thị thanh nhàn phạm minh chính. ngày xưa võ văn kiệt phạm hùng phan văn khải tất cả vingroup Đổi mới nguyễn văn linh .đỗ muoi và lê khả phiêu dưới thời tạo điều kiện phạm nhật vũ em trai phạm nhật vượng công ty vingroup đã thành lập...2 anh em trai họ phạm chụp hình nguyễn xuân phúc...
Tổng Công ty 319 trực thuộc(nguyễn tấn dũng chụp hình)
Công ty Cổ phần Cơ điện Thủ Đức (nông đức Mạnh chụp hình).
Công ty máy tính bách khoa bkc( trương tấn sang chụp với cựu )
công ty yến sào alpha ( nguyễn minh triết chụp hình(
Nguyễn xuân phúc chụp hình công ty mỳ tôm công ty đất bất động sản Vigroup).
Công ty nội thất phố xinh khu đô thị sa la nguyễn minh triết chụp hình ghé thăm rất thân thiết thân mật).Công ty du lịch đại nam phan văn mãi và đoàn ngọc hải .ông phan văn mãi từng ngồi ăn cơm chung và chụp hình bắt tay thân mật.
