White House Correspondents’ Dinner gives Biden a chance to flex his funny bone | CNN Politics

Biden will speak to a crowd of nearly 3,000 journalists, celebrities and politicians, continuing a tradition dating back to Calvin Coolidge of presidents addressing the dinner at least once during their term



Cortner Stosh
Did Trump Call Fallen Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers A former Trump administration official and Biden accused the former president of making the statement.

there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes' authenticity. Moreover, since Snopes did not witness the in-question comments firsthand, we can't say for certain whether Trump called fallen soldiers "suckers" and "losers Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to
days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false.
"Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it.

Michael R Richter - First of all the Tax Plan has to pass a GOP congress to happen - because Congress passes Tax Legislation !!! Did you fall asleep earlier in the Year when the Gun Reform Legislation was passed - but only after MORE School Shooting and Mass Murders in Public Places like Malls or Grocery Stores ? And just WHAT is your problem with sending Aid to Ukraine and Israel ??? As for the Student Loans - in most cases they eliminated the INTEREST because the loans original amount was already paid off !!! As for Trans in School or College Sports - that should be a matter for School Boards to deal with - personally they should make a separate Conference for Trans Sports. Many would have to draw Players from Multiple Districts to make a entire roster.

Wrong. Biden will RECITE words that have been written by others and put in front of him. We probably won't see any more speaking prompts... like 'PAUSE' for him to accidentally read out - they learnt an embarrassing lesson there. If he wears glasses to hide the fact that he is reading from all the prompters, too late. That secret is long out and gone! As with his funny bone (if he had one). He has to tell us when what he's saying is a joke and when it's not, although we're sniggering all the way through - and that is NOT a joke!

Considering the racist old pedophile is a walking talking joke he should do well.
I always liked his joke about being in favor of desegregation when in fact he, Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd fought against it.
He didn’t want his children raised in a “racial jungle”.
An all time favorite dotard tells is how he was arrested marching for civil rights!
What about” you can’t work in a 7-11 unless you have a slight Indian accent”.
Maybe the best is about Barry Sotero, “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”
He should have everyone laughing, as long as the teleprompter works!

A rundown of Joe Biden's history of racism:

1. Was best friends with & eulogized an exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan Robert Byrd. Byrd was a staunch democrat. He said that the senate was a lesser place because of his passing

2. Referred to Satchel Paige, an African American baseball player from long ago as the great negro of our time

3. Was surprised that a black man, Barack Obama could be shiny, clean, bright and articulate.

4. Said you couldn't work at a Dunkin Doughnuts without a slight Indian accent.

5. Defended school segregation and didn't want his kids growing up in a jungle

6. Said the Latino community was incredibly diverse unlike the African American one with notable exceptions

7. Said that if you didn't vote for him you weren't black implying that African Americans can only vote democrat and aren't smart enough to think for themselves

8. Referred to LL Cool J, a grown man, as boy

Cortner Stosh

I identify as a
conspiracy theorist,
my pronouns
In case you need more proof that the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump that obsessed the press and congressional Democrats for four years was made up by Hillary Clinton and her campaign, here comes another piece of evidence: John Durham reveals that the “A secret Trump server is communicating with a Russian bank” claim is bunk. The CIA concluded the data, presented by Clinton lawyer Sussmann, who lied to agents that he was working independently, wasn’t plausible. Many computer experts have since dismissed it as baloney..
John Durham releases final report concluding FBI had no verified intel when it opened probe on Trump.
a damning final report Monday after more than three years investigating the Russia collusion probe, declaring the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up the Crossfire Hurricane probe of President Donald Trump's campaign in the summer of 2016.

Avec Washington Post Politics – Je viens d’être reconnu(e) comme l’un(e) de ses meilleurs fans !
UN PEU D'HISTOIRE BASQUE; Louis XIV, le Roi Soleil de France (Versailles Etc Etc) avait Louis XIII pour père. Louis XIII était le fils d'Henri IV. Henri IV alias Ferdinand III, protestant converti au catholicisme, était le fils de Ferdinand II, roi de Navarre. Aujourd'hui en 2024, la généalogie familiale de Joe BIDEN-ROBINET Président des USA, est issue de la Basse Navarre française et des Huguenots protestants partis pour l'Irlande protestante en 1598, et de leur rejet de « l'Edit de Nantes » imposé par Louis XIV pour mettre fin à la guerre des religions en France. (Bide. Biden.Bidea. Bideak .Bideko. Bidegaray. Bidegorri Etc Etc) Path. Chemin. Camino. CONCLUSIONS ; Pendant des siècles, la France et l'Espagne ont été gouvernées par......BASQUES de race et d'origine. (Premier peuple du sud-ouest de l'Europe depuis le Néolithique. Première langue vivante. Numéro 1 de fait historique.) Léopold EYHARTS Astronaute Basque Américain. Etc Etc....
