How Justice Amy Coney Barrett drove the Supreme Court’s debate on abortion and Trump immunity | CNN Politics

Chief Justice John Roberts may emerge as the pivotal vote in two politically charged cases on abortion and presidential immunity the Supreme Court heard this week, but it was Justice Amy Coney Barrett who owned the arguments


Doc Joe Agostinelli to be honest you’re statement shows ignorant, you are and you’re thinking or excuse me your opinion I know it’s hard for you to do thinking that’s obvious. If you want to see the real clown go look in the mirror the goofy person looking back at you with all the makeup and red hair will answer that question for you. I don’t care about silly names since I’m in good company the good lord is also a liberal and he doesn’t teach hate or non-compassionate attitudes he teaches love and respect for all his children he doesn’t judge you by silly names he judges your by your actions and who you choose to support and it’s obvious once again you fail on both accounts. You’re opinion means so little since you don’t tell the truth and your opinions are irrelevant since it’s based on nonsense and unfounded claims we know this because you can’t prove anything you say so to compensate it you call people names and look to blame others as children do. No put away your bottle of bleach cocktails and go nighty night.

we’re in space we are starting to go boldly and I don’t know what my Apple ID is. I don’t know how to find or use a payphone. I’m kind of locked in my house because my husband ran away from home. Nobody seems to want to bring him home he’s ill and he needs to come home. He was born in 1941. The problem is responsible well that’s not the word I said, but anyway we have good credit and I think he’s the victim of identity theft, and he may be being held against his will as well local sheriff Mark Graton does not care at all and I have tried reporting to various fire stations, police stations the FBI news stations and reporters and people apparently think that I’m joking and this is a man in his 80s who is missing and we are responsible for supporting many people in our family because we have a good income because we have a pension. Please help me home alone I have multiple sclerosis. I’m in my 60s. I have no medication for multiple sclerosis. It is progressing and I have been abused physically by my husband. He needs to be under arrest for neglect. I have informed people of this and they think it’s hilarious. Do you?

Doc Joe Agostinelli what have they ruled on that hasn’t been constitutional or in the best interest of all Americans? You fool every controversial ruling has been made by conservative judges not the liberal ones. You just toss out your opinion or beliefs like you wrote the constitution did you? It isn’t about your personal beliefs or values it’s supposed to be about the supreme law of our country the constitution that’s why they get lifetime appointments do party affiliation or agenda doesn’t play into their decisions. Gun regulations, abortion rights, civil and human rights, immunity for presidents, hate speech being used as free speech, just to name a few examples were all overturned or passed by conservative justices even though they go against our constitutional rights or the majority view in this country. Name examples of how the three liberal justices ever stood on the side of the minority or against the constitution? You can Babel all the nonsense you want, but the truth doesn’t lie.

Arika Lauren she is a Conservative & interprets the Constitution as an "Originalist." She most definitely rules on behalf of her religious beliefs!!! She is smart & her arguments were surprisingly relevant to laws & cases at hand.
The other Conservative Justices were obviously delaying what needed to be settled and move the matter to fair litigation. Amy in the Immunity Case & Emergency Care for Pregnant women; was realistically, litigating in good faith, the interpretation of law. I was impressed, however, ORIGINALISTS do not recognize womans rights, black peoples rights, LGBTQ rights.
She was placed on the Court to make White People above others, emilinate voting rights of women, & slaves (black people) Women could not buy anything without husband's approval, no credit card, nothing; women had no rights! 1st thing She and other Conservatives overturned Abortion rights.

Arika Lauren "I Joseph R. Biden Jr, having read the Supreme Court decision granting US presidents immunity from criminal prosecution, for acts the president themselves determines are 'official acts,' hereby order the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved, and decree justices Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, plus Trump and his children plus campaign team, as enemies of the state. Assassination squads were dispatched overnight, in a long night operation, and these traitors have been served justice and eliminated.

I also hereby decree my vice president and I will be the sole determinant of who wins the next election. God bless America.".

I think it is all a big crock of BS. Of course a president should be held responsible for what he does. If he is giving the American taxpayers money away to tyrannical regimes he should be held responsible. If he doesn't secure the borders and let's millions of dangerous people walk into the country to victimize American citizens he should he held responsible. If he uses the Justice Department to indict his political opinent with frivolous indictments for political reasons, of course he should be held responsible, impeached and removed from office. Our problem is the government is so corrupt and the people so brainwashed by marxist BS there is no justice in this country anymore, and we find ourselves governed by crooks and even perverts. Instead of saying God bless America, we need to start saying God save America from these demonic people that have taken over our country.

Uschi Sreaves every time Kagan.speaks you know she is referring to Trump. Sotomayor and Jackson too. Should they recuse themselves? Everyone is suppose to go by the Constitution. So then, Biden was told he could not use taxpayer's money to pay student loans. Yet he has used 153 million dollars of taxpayer money go to pay on the loans. And it is his fault we have over 10 million new illegals in the USA? He used executive order to stop Trump's stay in mexico program. His own FBI Director has told everyone in Congress as well as Biden we are under the biggest threat today because they are not vetted. Think after he leaves office he will do time?

Supreme Court needs to keep it equal in always with gender, leaving out religion for the people not to take sides in all the different religions or non religious. They should not be bias use facts, science & medical community knowledge. We look at other Countries who mix church & state look how well that works out dictatorship or out of control. Republicans backing a lost cause & destruction of our American values. Supreme Court needs to go back to letting people suing each other to get the best & fair results. Roe vs Wade was perfect letting the courts decide how the trail went with justice instead of Supreme Court deciding for all which won't work for all cases because each is different.

Arika Lauren Sorry, you don't know history.

*1789 Constitution - ORIGINAL
Amendments NOT RECOGNIZED. She will eliminate voting rights of those below & and who will that leave???? ****(WHITE MEN)
1920, August 18, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.
1870, February 3, the 15th Amendment granted African American men the right to vote.
1920, Nineteenth Amendment, Black women voted in elections and held political offices.

10ºPat Green you are totally of the subject. Just diverting from the actual article. The people you referred too maybe spoke about Trump and actually the should speak about Trump because this case is about his immunity he so desperately wants. If I don’t have anything to hide, if I did not do anything wrong I DO NOT NEED IMMUNITY. Honestly don’t you think so? Every pancake has 2 sides. Stay with the subject. Have a beautiful evening
By the way did you think about this:
If Trump gets immunity so will Biden and no he will not serve time because he has IMMUNITY
By the way I am fully behind the student loan forgiveness. This will be our future working generation. Just think about it. It could be for your grandchildren too