How Justice Amy Coney Barrett drove the Supreme Court’s debate on abortion and Trump immunity | CNN Politics

Chief Justice John Roberts may emerge as the pivotal vote in two politically charged cases on abortion and presidential immunity the Supreme Court heard this week, but it was Justice Amy Coney Barrett who owned the arguments


Louie Kneitz oh my God where have you been. It was the Republicans that stop President Biden from doing anything what's the border. And for your information I don't know what year you are living in. But Trump is not the president. Trump needs to go to jail for everything that he has done. He has stolen top secret documents. God only knows what he is giving Putin and North Korea. Probably some of our top secrets. And you want him to be president? Wow. He did an awful job when he picked the supreme Court. They are taking away from America and women's rights.

The entire US should be deeply ashamed to have a former president claiming he should have total inmunity. This has not happened even in the wildest and most crazy fiction novel in history for being such a groundless and frankly stup.. argument that not even dictators in the world dare to say, for fear of being trated as dum.. and mad brainless nonsense person. But then Trump doesn't care at all, because he cares for no one, for no law, for no truth. He only cares for himself, all his supporters and fans are just useful idio.. that give him money and will go to prison for him,