Daughter of prominent Palestinian poet killed in Israeli airstrike in Gaza | CNN

Shaima Refaat Alareer, the daughter of a prominent Palestinian poet, was killed alongside her family in an Israeli airstrike on a house west of Gaza City on Friday, according to multiple sources, four months after her father died in a similar attack



Thank you dear Mr Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of Hamas leaders, for your amazing and brave interview at Mr Jordan Peterson podcast.
(Link below)
I wish you all the best in life and hopefully one day, we will celebrate real peace

What matters the most is if the leaders of the world will finally start doing good instead of just “feeling good” and will have the courage and the responsibility of making a real change for a better and peaceful future in the Middle East️
The truth is almost never nice- but it is the truth, and it shall set you free:
‎‏ Dr. Einat Wilf at the American Congress:

‎‏“This is a society mobilised for the idea that their duty is to “liberate” Palestine from the river to the sea.
‎‏So when money flows into Gaza, when cement flows into Gaza, they don’t think - “oh, let’s make Gaza a beautiful prosperous example of what it’s like when Palestinians control territory”.

‎‏No. They say -“great, we have now a launch pad”, literally a launch pad from which to take back, in their mind, palestine.
‎‏So any money that will flow there is guaranteed to serve the war machine.
‎‏And it’s not just hamas.
‎‏generation after generation, trained murderers emerge to “liberate Palestine”.

‎‏The perpetrators of the massacre of the Israeli athletes in 1972 at the Munich Olympics were graduates of UNrwa schools. The current perpetrators and planners of the mass massacre on 7/10 were graduates of UNrwa schools.”

‎‏* Are all Palestinians committed to not having a Jewish state between the river and the sea?

‎‏“So as I said to the credit of the Palestinians, they’ve been very clear for a century as to what they’re fighting for.
‎‏and I agree with you completely, one of the reasons I’m very proud of this book is that this book gives the Palestinians the respect of taking them at their word.

‎‏On this issue there are no dissenting voices. Now I give this talk and I’ve given it over the years to many groups and especially students and I understand that they rebel, but almost every group says -
‎‏“You’re painting such a broad brush,
‎‏and it can’t be that all Palestinians support that, just like there are different voices in the Israeli society and there are more extremist people and less, there must be different voices among Palestinians. So my answer always been the same - that actually to make such a broad claim, I have opened myself up to easy rebuttal, easy to refute me.

‎‏So go ahead! please bring me a Palestinian *who in their own words and publicly*, it could be a post, a tweet, it could be a speech- but it has to be in their own words and it has to be public. And the words can’t be some mushy -“ Oh, we long for the day of peace, or “We hope it cease fire and the violence to end”.

‎‏When I worked with former PM Shimon Peres there was this idea that in peacemaking we need a constructive ambiguity- Let’s just fudge the issues, get everyone to sign an agreement, they’ll build trust and things will take care of it-
‎‏But what we know is that it has been destructive ambiguity, so I’ve become proponent of what I call -
Constructive specificity - be very precise.

‎‏So- what do we need to hear?

‎‏”I, as a Palestinian, support the equal right of the Jewish people, as a nation, to self-determination in their historic homeland in the Land of Israel. We understand that the implication of that we can build the State of Palestine next to the Jewish State of Israel rather than instead of it.
‎‏We understand that this means that we will no longer be refugees and do not have a right of “return” into the sovereign of the state of Israel.”

‎‏That’s what we need to hear - and I can assure you that no one comes back.”‎‏

- We feel that we are the most humane army that has ever existed, Mencer replies, and claims that Israel investigates such "accidents".

- I am a spokesperson for this government and the Israeli people, and tell you here and now that we have killed 13,000 armed terrorists, Mencer states.

- We have followed the gold standard when we have targeted the war against terrorists, and got civilians away from dangerous areas, says Mencer.

David Mencer, spokesman for the Israeli government in an interview with a Norwegian journalist.

In contrast to him, the vast majority of people can see with their own eyes the reality that is, and it is completely different from what Mencer expresses.

Kevin Koy Don't get me wrong but aren't hamas supposed to be the resistance? This is in the first place, sure killing Civilians is so messed up I understand but do we have a valid evidence about kids being beheading, and also Isreal is known also for fabrication, for a lot of cases can't we mention the very recent one before what happened before last OCT, didn't they kill the reporter? They shot her and they tried to say it was Hamas but as there was physical evidence they couldn't prove it and then they said they will investigate? And they didn't even let the funeral to go well for that reporter, Isreal is very corrupted and and I'm not against Jewish, but against Zionists

The events of today’s world were prophesied in the Bible.

The current Middle East war is the beginning of the Psalm 83 war. The ancient names for the people of Gaza, Hezbollah, Houthis, Syria, Iraq plus others are listed in Psalm 83 among those who confederate against Israel in an effort to destroy her so that her name is no longer remembered.

Watch for Jews from western countries to return to Israel amid increasing antisemitism (Ezekiel 36:24), a nuclear disaster in southwestern Iran (Jeremiah 49:34-39), the overnight destruction of Damascus as well as damage to Aleppo, Homs, and Hama (Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49:23-27), and an agreement that will allow Israel to build the Third Temple (Daniel 9:27).

Please take note of these prophecies. Jesus said, “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.” John 14:29

Come follow my free page if you want to learn more.

She was killed like a lot of innocent people most of them are children and women nearly 35000 dead.

What's happening in Palestine it's very horrible and it's unjustifiable! Surely by history it's was a lot of human tragedy more bloody than this however the big difference is these génocide is happen publicly and the whole world knows the number of civilians dead and injured, see the shocking pictures of victims especially children , women and men without any arms without doing anything in order to stop the war on the contrary we continue our lives happily we organized the events and we go to cinema!

The Hamas terrorists were probably near by, too bad Biden-0bama commies made sure Hamas terrorists got ahold of bombs. The left are really dumb. Afghanistan Jihadist Taliban turned that nation into a Terrorist Jihad training nation. Most supplies provided by 0biden's apparent Pro- terrorist partners and pals. When you vote for people who's friends blew up buildings and who were radical drug abusing morons or support people (weather underground terrorist org) your basically a terrorist yourself. That's how most view the 0biden regime. Heck Baracks dad and uncle founded a radical terrorist org in Kenya- Luo Tribe, who now call themselves TALIBAN. Hello? When Odinga lost his Pro-Sharia-commie election, that 0bama helped him on, they murdered 1200 black Kenan people because they didn't vote for 0bama's loony uncle. Your all being hood-winked. Jihad want to take over the world, and control people and especially oppress women and make sure LGBT's don't live, guess that's why the Commie left hooked up with Jihad for now, to destroy lives.

Tripp Ratcliff Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
There are a number of other serious, violent crimes that do not fall under the specific definition of genocide. They include crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and mass killing.
Have a good day and this’s my last response.

Zeena Dahu The hypocrisy of you people is amazing.
Step 1: Celebrate when Jews are slaughtered.
Step 2: Be shocked when the Jews fight back.
Step 3: Call for a ceasefire and play the victim.
Step 4: Spread H propaganda.

You people are so morally confused that you are willing to support terrorist groups in order to take down Israel. And then you claim the moral high ground. It’s laughable.

Genocidal jiahdi death cult of hamas wants everyone to suffer and here you are supporting them and their narrative.

Anti-Zionism is antisemitism. People who are anti-Zionist just hate Jews. It’s not about what the Israeli government does. Hating Jews is part of their culture going back over 1000 years. The idea that Jews should have power and be an independent people is just unthinkable to them.

For those who tell you this is because the Israel government, arabs attacked jews in Palestine began long before there was an Israeli government.

Important to keep in mind that approximately 20% of #Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets expressly targeting civilians in #Israel end up falling in #Gaza and often end up killing Gazans … but the “sources” in Gaza will always blame every casualty on Israel.

But regardless of whether this child was killed by an errant Hamas rocket or IDF missile, the death of any innocent civilian is tragic.

Just as tragic as the 100,000+ German children and 700,000+ German civilians killed by the Allies during WWII (to end Nazi rule in Germany) and the 10,000+ children and 30,000+ civilians killed in Mosul and Aleppo in 2016 & 2017 by the US-led coalition (in order to rid those cities of ISIS’s control).

But everyone of those children and civilians killed were the fault of the supremacist, fascist tyrants that could have ended their respective wars by unconditionally surrendering.

Similarly, the blame for every civilian casualty in #Gaza lies with #Hamas - the openly fascist, Islamist Supremacist, tyranny that has brutally controlled Gaza since 2006 and can end this war and all casualties from it, immediately, by releasing all of the hostages and unconditionally surrendering.


10ºAbderrezzaq Ziane BS! Gaza Health Ministry has now ???????????????????????????????? that the TOTAL death count in Gaza stands at ????????,????????????.

An estimated 13,000 of those militant deaths from IDF estimates.

Which means that ???????????????? ????,???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????.

Combatant to civilian ratio stands as ???????????????????? ????:????

We have never seen that before in any war in Modern History.

???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????:

According to the UN, civilians usually make up around 90 percent of casualties in war.

That’s a 1:9 ratio.

Compared to the IDF’s 1:1

We have never seen a war with such a precise ratio

The IDF are also operating in an Urban War environment where Hamas hide amongst the civilian population.

What they are pulling off is just next level.