Barr, who said Trump shouldn’t be near Oval Office, says he will vote for him in 2024 | CNN Politics

Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who previously said that Donald Trump shouldn’t be near the Oval Office, told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Friday that he would vote for the former president over President Joe Biden in the 2024 election


Fale Andrew Lesā I converted with Obama. As soon as I realized the dems were up to. The dems main aim is to keep the country poor so they are desperate enough to believe in false promises. . They even have their own media who spreads the deception to the American citizens and amazingly enough it is the college educated that take up most of the dye. That tells you something also on how they have infiltrated our educational system.Please don't tell me anyone actually believes all these criminal accusations would have taken place if Trump wasn't running for president. Hilary Clinton was a proven croak
That walked away free.

Fale Andrew Lesā -
Donald Trump left America with an economy in shambles and a deadly pandemic. Joe Biden led America out of the COVID crisis and is helping rebuild our economy from the middle out and bottom up.
Four years ago, we were using freezer trucks as morgues and wiping ourselves with coffee filters. Couldn't go out to eat or go to a movie. Couldn't even cross state borders without fear of being stopped.
Now, we have record jobs growth, 50 year low in unemployment, highest stock market.
The recent bipartisan infrastructure legislation and CHIPS legislation will ensure economic growth and prosperity for years to come.
Anyone who thinks we were better off 4 years ago is NUTS!

Diane Dahlhouser Wisman
Keep telling yourself that. Trump isn't being persecuted, he's being prosecuted for the crimes he committed. His associates and the people who worked for him (republicans) are the people testifying against him. Barr has said that on numerous occasions, and he’s not the only one who has said that. Former VP Pence, two of his defense secretaries, two of his national security advisers, his Secretary of State, a UN ambassador all of whom have worked up close and personal with him, have judged him to be unfit and don’t think he should serve again as president of the United States. They know how dangerous he is for our national security.

Denise Henderson It is a pretty huge flip flop to go from saying publicly that Mr. Trump should never be in the Oval Office again to endorsing him over Biden. He isn't going to be able to walk this one back. What I am saying is that we, as citizens, need to evaluate why the flip flop occurred the day after the Supreme Court Hearing on Thursday. There was a whole lot of discussion about distinguishing between decisions made by a President and decisions made by the man. All of the Justices agreed that every President has many lawyers that advise him/her about their choices as it relates to his/her Constitutional authority. We don't know how Barr advised then President Trump, but Trump knows. As I said, Barr's motives need to be scrutinized.

Jennifer Lynn You are as naive or plain ignorant as those rioting. It was the rioters who caused the deaths that day regardless of pre existing physical conditions each person had whether they were genetically inherited or acquired from poor health initially. Someone's health condition would be even more of a reason not to attack them. Your responses are futile and filled with Gothic aura. I am sure that those convicted criminally to date were done so because of their actions and behavior not because of their physical health. Anyone who supports this conduct is immoral and not a follower of Christ.

Mikel Deschesnes lol the most vocal opponents of Trump returning to the White House is not Democrats, it’s Republicans. I can list over a Dozen prominent Republicans that worked closet with Trump while he was president—meaning they know him better than your and I—that are against him becoming president again, including his former Vice-President, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of Defense, Chief of Staff, White House Communications Director, Press Secretary, National Security Adviser, U.S. ambassador to the UN, Secretary of State, Secretary of Education, multiple former Trump lawyers, and many other prominent Republicans. But, sure. Keep thinking it’s a party thing. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Is it possible that we as citizens of the United States are so gullible that we believe that Barr did not commit crimes while he was AG? Do we really believe that Trump has not told all of his co-conspirators, "If I go down, I am taking you with me."? Barr needs Trump to be elected so that Trump can pardon Barr when the whole truth comes out which I feel certain will include Barr's culpability in the cover up of the crimes that he knew Trump was committing in office while he was Attorney General. He is just trying to cover his own a_ _. Sometimes the motives of endorsement need to be scrutinized. This is one of those times.

Mikel Deschesnes it was a few unarmed people that went into the White House. His speech was inappropriate and his actions but his concerns were real and there is absolutely no proof whatever he was involved. Hyped up as usually by the democrats whose politicians are generally clueless on how to keep a country peaceful and economically thriving. They have a socialist agenda which leads to a failing and crime ridden country. The benefits for them
Is they can hide the corruption tht is rife more
Easily, they can destroy their political opponents easily and they don't have to worry about losing their power or money to independently wealthy people that could challenge them.

Barr has seen and gotten the truth. Should be country before party.
America first!!. Trump will return America back to its commanding positions, where countries fear the mightiness of USA.
America became third world under Biden in all affairs of the world. Russia/Ukraine war is an example in point.
USA has lost its name and respect during this four years of Biden.
Biden is always afraid to take actions when it mattered most.
Trump!!! Is the answer to the troubled world right now. The man Trump is fearless.
He will deal with Putin in his first six months in office, he has Said.
I'm expecting many Democrats to align with Trump to save America and the entire world from WW3.
God bless Trump ️️️️️️

10ºFale Andrew Lesā I'm seeing folks have forgotten how bad things were during the Trump administration — so let's set the record straight.

Donald Trump:
–Laid the groundwork for abortion bans and the assault on reproductive freedom
–Led an insurrection
–Lost 2.9 million jobs
–Ballooned the deficit
–Presided over the longest government shutdown in U.S. history
–Cozied up to dictators and disrespected our allies
–Called white supremacists at Charlottesville “very fine people”
–Cut taxes for the ultra-rich and corporations
–Banned people from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.
–Separated families at the border
–Pulled out the Paris Climate Agreement
–Botched America’s COVID response
–Was impeached twice
–And more!

Another 4 years would be even worse.