As pro-Palestinian protests sweep college campuses, student journalists are rushing to the big story and exams

As universities across the country crack down on demonstrations over Israel’s military actions in Gaza and police arrest hundreds of protesters, student-run newspapers have quickly become an essential source of news coverage for both the campus communities and nation at large, providing crucial transparency and scrutiny of authorities.


Paul Panepinto I understand the perception that some protests may not always appear entirely peaceful from the outside looking in. However, we have to be very cautious about using that as a broad justification to dismiss or delegitimize activist movements wholesale.

Throughout history, even the most noble and necessary causes for justice and equality initially faced accusations of fomenting disorder or unrest. The Civil Rights Movement, the Suffragettes, anti-apartheid activists - all were criticized in their time for not protesting properly or peacefully enough according to the status quo.

But in hindsight, we recognize that real, fundamental progress requires the persistent voice of disruptors and change agents. Entrenched systems of oppression don't give way through totally amicable means. There's always some perceived disorder that makes the establishment uncomfortable.

My point is, we shouldn't be so quick to pick and choose which channel to watch based on perceived unpeacefulness, because that risks putting us on the wrong side of history's moral arc yet again.

Instead, we should look past the physical actionsand really listen to the substantive message and goals. If the underlying cause is a righteous one - such as fighting for equality, human rights, democracy etc. - then we have to be willing to work through the perceived disorder. Because real change and progress have never been 100% neat and tidy.

Let's be more critical consumers of how these movements are narrativized and framed. The process is rarely as unpeaceful as it appears from a narrow lens. I simply caution against being too eager to reject or ignore them based on that subjective perception alone."

The key is to not dismiss important activist voices too hastily based solely on how "unpeaceful" they may outwardly appear, because that perceived lens has frequently been used throughout history to denigrate and ignore righteous movements for justice. We have to analyze the substantive goals and messaging.

To learn who rules over you, first find out who you cannot criticise. These people are using this affair to take away your 1st amendment, think, they have been working hard to silence us all on both sides of the pond for decades. Guard your 1st amendment, dont fall for their trap, they will remove it, if not on your guard. It is getting more and more obvious with each passing year who runs America, Israel, zionists, Jews and their shabbos evangelicals, just admit it, everyone must bow down to them. All dual citizens need deporting to that nation they babbled on about getting for decades, well you got it, they all need to sod off there. 1913 they took control of your money, 1945, they took complete control, you are an occupied nation, as is most of the West now.

As the government cracks down on demonstrations across the country over Israel's military action in Gaza and police arrest hundreds of protesters, the student-run newspaper quickly becomes an important news source for the campus community and nationally, providing critical transparency and accountability. censorship by authorities. The government's repressive actions are undoubtedly a serious violation of the rights of freedom of expression and assembly, and undermine the people's rights to express their opinions and pursue justice. This behavior not only seriously violates human rights principles, but also deprives students and the public of their right to know the truth. The government should respect the rights of free speech and assembly rather than resorting to repressive measures to prevent people from expressing and discussing important issues.

Eritrea Berhane Weaponizing anti Semitism and the holocaust to bolster up a NEW genocidal holocaust dishonors the memories of the real victims in WWII and has the additional disadvantage of people turning their heads away and not caring at all anymore when the holocaust is invoked. You cannot invoke one holocaust to justify ANOTHER. People are starting not to care about what happened 85 years ago because what is happening RIGHT NOW is ... right NOW and right in our faces. They played that holocaust card too many times. That and the 'anti Semitic' card are worn out and have no power now, given what's been happening in Palestine.

Julie Santos Exactly - many Jews support Palestinians, the vast majority of them are also anti-Zionist Jews, such as myself. Although Netanyahu is an easy scapegoat, we must remember that this genocide is perpetrated under a unity government. And Netanyahu has been elected 5 times by Israelis.

As for the protests, there were massive protests against Trump and his fascism before. It’s just that now, the genocide takes priority and is being funded and supported by the self proclaimed democrat leadership. This is NOT what the party stands for, let alone funding it, lying for it and ensuring systems in place that can stop it are undermined.

There’s a really powerful Zionist right-wing political movement in this country that wants to crush higher education, that wants to suppress the culture of free speech and inquiry and debate at universities across this country.
⁣Allegations of “antisemitism” are being weaponized against pro-Palestinian student protesters. ⁣These protesters are the voice of humanity. History will record them all wanting to stop this genocide in Palestine as heroes. You are standing strong for a great cause. Keep it up. Student powers can shake any government and that’s why we see so many geared up governments puppets trying to scare them off. A lot can be accomplished by using your voice. The world is watching you and the protests are rising everywhere.

Pro hamas disruptors at these campuses, whether students, staff, or outsiders on Dem Dark Money payrolls, such as Tides, ActBlue and various Soros other foundations, need acted on swiftly and as an example.

With hezbolah and hamas flags waving alongside banners calling for "death to Israel", "death to America", "death to Jews", "police are pigs", "we are hamas", this is no longer protest or free speech, but inciting violence, giving aid and support to terrorist. These agitators are also extorting the universities like mob bosses, and yeah, terrorist.

They need made examples of. Florida just set a great policy. Anyone violating their rules on campus, that go beyond free speech, which MOST of what we see in these big Blue city universities, they will be arrested and expelled if students and fired if staff!!!!! That's AWESOME!

Columbia is pandering to terrorist sympathizers, giving them time, negotiating. The only negotiating should be.....stop immediately, leave, or be arrested and expelled.....end of negotiation.

Percy Jessica .

Hey CNN Politics CNN Katelyn Collins I really think that when you interviewed the former attorney General Bill Barr you should have pushed back more when he said "we had the border under control and we were doing everything legally!"
That is totally FALSE!!
Trump had a horrifically cruel border policy!!
And probably the very worst piece of his policy, Trump CONTINUED for several months even after the Supreme Court ordered that the policy be stopped
This was Trumps crime against all of HUMANITY, crimes against God's precious little ones and against the very LAWS OF GOD when he separated multiple thousands of BABIES from their mothers "to be cruel, as a deterrent " and threw them into his detention camps where they were abused in every single disgusting way, went missing and DIED
Bill Barr was WRONG!
And sadly, Trump is promising to bring all of these policies back

Susan Swift .
Hey CNN Politics CNN Katelyn Collins I really think that when you interviewed the former attorney General Bill Barr you should have pushed back more when he said "we had the border under control and we were doing everything legally!"
That is totally FALSE!!
Trump had a horrifically cruel border policy!!
And probably the very worst piece of his policy, Trump CONTINUED for several months even after the Supreme Court ordered that the policy be stopped
This was Trumps crime against all of HUMANITY, crimes against God's precious little ones and against the very LAWS OF GOD when he separated multiple thousands of BABIES from their mothers "to be cruel, as a deterrent " and threw them into his detention camps where they were abused in every single disgusting way, went missing and DIED
Bill Barr was WRONG!
And sadly, Trump is promising to bring all of these policies back

10ºTom Biggert Advocating for the withdrawal of U.S. support for Israel does not equate to advocating for Israel's destruction. The goal of many protestors calling for changes in U.S. policy towards Israel is to promote a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and advocate for a just resolution that respects the rights and dignity of all parties involved.

Withdrawal of support could entail diplomatic pressure, conditional aid, or changes in policy that aim to encourage constructive dialogue and meaningful peace negotiations. It does not inherently imply support for any form of destruction or violence.

The ultimate objective is to foster conditions conducive to a peaceful and sustainable resolution of the conflict, based on international law, human rights principles, and mutual respect between Israelis and Palestinians. Dialogue and diplomacy remain essential tools in advancing peace and justice in the region.

It's crucial to engage in nuanced discussions about complex geopolitical issues while avoiding the misrepresentation or oversimplification of diverse viewpoints.