Takeaways from Day 8 of the Donald Trump hush money trial

Jurors will now have a three-day weekend to think about what they heard during the first full week of testimony in the historic Donald Trump hush money trial.



David Mead Trump funded Jesse Jackson presidency run is like saying you have a black friend. Trump funded everybody race. That’s what rich people do. I did not bring up him being racist and you bringing it up means you think I think he is. Which he is. There are many reasons I think he is but I suspect you know why and don’t care so what’s the point of listing them. It’s pretty obvious. Trump is a criminal, divisive, chaotic, bully and he does not know what he is doing as leader of this country. He may beat all 88 pending charges like many in his position do but I know exactly what he thinks of me and people like me. If he wins then so be it. It will just be 4 years closer to the time that we never have to think of that man again.

He will go down as one of the worse presidents in history and his supporters will be on the wrong side of history like so many in the country’s past but they don’t care because he benefits them in the now. Because with him they believe they hold on to power and privilege that they think people are trying to steal from them when all people want is for everyone to share it.

Jack Jones . You can FORGET about him winning. If you know how to add and it is debatable because Trump targets the easy voters for his cult . If this were the election in november Nikki Haley got more votes than him in the primaries which means he will not have enough votes to win and now with his constant crying outside of court each day he is actually helping Biden win. He has ZERO things to talk about and who the hell campaigns outside a courtroom? Biden did an amazing job to call him out on the bloodbath threat that if Trump doesn't win on the Howard Stern show. Many people don't believe a word he said that he tied that in with the auto industry. So you better get ready for another 4 years of Biden.

Servando Guardiola he fixed five major things for our military, also fixed things for them like safety equipment and rules of engagement.. he worked with both small and large factory owners and found out what we need to stay here, and worked on getting those things done,, he also worked to secure that border. and got things done to stop child trafficking, he fixed a number of major trade agreements for us also and sat on china big time over the fentanyl(biden has done nothing and is letting china kill our kids with it), Trump massively increased inspections of goods coming from china to prevent poisoned products coming into the country, fixed our taxes also. He also worked to fix the problems with the ACA that dems should have fixed. He also fixed a number of things for my patients at the VA what Obama promised to fix but then ignored it.

Rich Favors buit Trump back than was a democrat funding democrats not Republicans. If it's all money ti Trump how come being president has cost him over $1 billion dollars ? Compared to Obama and Biden whi has both gotten to be millionaires through politics. Think about that fir a second

Now respectfully you say how bad Trump had been let me share with you people who are hos friends we both know what they say about him. I'm sure talk is cheap when you don't know someone
Please watch these Gove me opinions whether I agree or disagree I'm interested in your opinion

David Mead we will have to disagree. I think it is obvious how terrible of a human being he is and how bad his presidency his was. When Joe was elected it was like I could finally breathe. For some of us 2016 we mourned and I understand you don’t see it that it way. I don’t see how that’s possible but it is what you believe. I know for a fact he will be listed as one of the worst presidents. He is already listed in the bottom 3 by experts. They literally stormed the capitol after he gave a speech. That didn’t even happen during the civil war. If that doesn’t give you a clue I don’t know what to tell you.

Bob Barrett 2 people both charged with falsifying payment records in order to influence an election with an attempt to create election interference and one used campaign money the other used their own money for payments and hid payments as lawyers fees on income tax. One person got $8000 fine the other gets multiple criminal charges . SAME EXACT charges different punishment. One was Hillary the other Trump. Dont care if you hate/like Clinton/Trump. Only a fool would not say this is judicial weaponizing. Sadly equal under the law means nothing but hatred is more important. That is not the way our system is supposed to work. If you think this is funny, it just proves I am right

Brian Crawford Biden didn’t start any Wars .
Putin and Hamas started the Wars .

We are paying more for the items we use each day because of the pandemic that ravaged the World killing millions of people and corporate greed.
I truly can’t understand that people blame Biden for what’s happening around the World with inflation and prices.
We would be in the same predicament if Trump was in office.
Thanks to Biden and the chair of the Fed ; put in place by Trump , we didn’t go into a recession.
People continue to complain that they can’t afford things and yet millions are still traveling and spending money on things they truly don’t need to.

Glenn Colotti so, whoopity do. Who the hell cares. It’s not a law to accept elections. Didn’t you just read that above?

Besides Hillary conceded but never accepted the elections. If she did she wouldn’t have paid for the Steele dossier.
There was many irregularities and rules broken in 2020. Many states are finding that there was thousands of ballots with no cover letters. Those votes should have never been accepted. The rules were changed by others than state legislatures. Maybe you are not hearing about these AG reports.

What really gets me with your original comment is you listed all these things then you say “imagine if”.
Do you think trump wouldn’t have been prosecuted if he did these things. Because if so you just identified these charges as purely political.

Kevin Locke Drilling never stoped & Biden had over 188 k miles of lines flowing ! Trump did buy Russian oil in 2018 ! What’s up ? * The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5%
* The inflation we are experiencing is a result of failed Trump policies including, but not limited to:
* 1. Holding interest rates at near-zero for four years, which simultaneously and artificially held the bulging inflation dam from breaking and flooding during his administration .

10ºTrumps presidency was a dumpster fire; so much so that he left office with the lowest approval rating on record (32%). Trump handled the pandemic horribly, had the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression, added more to our national debt in 4 years than any other President, created the path for the highest inflation in decades, angered our closest allies, divided our country more than any president in a century, overturned over 100 environmental protections that protect our air, water, soil, health, and wildlife just to pad the pockets of huge corporations. We would have voted for a baked potato over Trump.

PS. It’s not normal to idolize or worship political figures like cult members do. Time to take your Confederate and Trump flags off of your beater trucks and rundown trailers..