Taylor Swift’s ‘Tortured Poets Department’ makes gigantic debut at No. 1 with her career-best first-week sales | CNN

Taylor Swift’s latest album “The Tortured Poets Department” is indeed the blockbuster that many expected it to become.



Is that cover a Victoria’s Secret advertisement?
I did like that line in Florida though- “And all my friends smell like weed and babies.”
And I give her credit for mentioning both Patti Smith and Dylan Thomas in the title song. I in all seriousness, I wonder just how many of her Swifties know who Patti Smith is. I wonder if they ever listened to Patti Smith’s song “Land” from her 1975 album “Horses”
Taylor is absolutely right when she sings “I’m not Patti Smith”
on the title track. I don’t think she’s capable of even coming close to singing or writing a song like “Land”. Now, that is writing. That is singing- raw, intimate, streetwise singing.
Even the Horses album cover is in stark contrast to the cover of Tortured Poets.
And because she humbly admitted she’s no Patti Smith I will give the Tortured Poets album a complete objective listen.
“Jesus died for somebody’s sins but not mine.” -Patti Smith/“Gloria”

My spouse started getting frequent night calls, when I asked he just waved off those calls as unimportant. At some point i could take no more of his lies, I decided l deserve to know what was going on. Someone on here referred me to this man who helped cloned his phone without physically touching it. All I did was send his phone number to him and through a remote link sent to my email, I was able to access all of his, emails, Facebook and Instagram chats, real-time call listening and his long deleted messages as if the phone was physically with.. He was a narc, a cheater and a terrible liar, I’m glad i found out all his secrets. Perhaps, you are in a similar situation and you need help you can get in touch with him on instagram by searching his username

M. Hilal Arfeen I think more of the popularity that goes with her is just because we don’t really have a lot of musical options these days as you can notice it is a lot less musicians on the radio than ever before and the ones that are on the radio are so random half of them. Most people don’t even know anymore so with her being more established and being out for years and years like Beyoncé people are naturally going to gravitate to people they know which also makes producers, etc. marketers algorithms from online, push her stuff even more a good way to see if something is really popular is not only the sales but also the longevity, is this going to spawn hit hit move 30 million units and be remembered for multiple hits 20 years later like Britney Spears’s Baby One More Time or is it just the flavor of the minute?

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