Two Ukrainian servicemen stabbed to death in Germany, Russian national arrested | CNN

Two Ukrainian servicemen were stabbed to death at a shopping center in southern Germany by a suspected Russian national, German and Ukrainian authorities say.


I do know history, Stalin made a deal with Hitler to stand aside while Germany began invading European Countries. Then Hitler initiated Operation Barbarossa and invaded Russia. Russia was willing to let the Nazi’s do what they liked in exchange for certain territories. The ended up being stabbed in the back by Hitler. Lives meant nothing to Stalin, in fact he is responsible for killing 20 million Russians in various purges. Now fast forward to today. It is Russia aggressively claiming territorie, it is Russia expressing a desire to claim more territorit’s. It is Russia threatening nuclear war. In fact, if it wasn’t for equipment supplied by the United State, Russia would have been stomped like a pile of rotten grapes

Chancellor Scholz will sympathetically visit this Russian national.
Scholz today can't figure out that Putins military is blood thirsting for land outside of Russia and now its not enough that they have illegally caused 400 billion in infrastructure damage to Ukraine.
Scholz can't process to date how it FEELS to live in Ukraine and be subject to terrorizing Russisn missile strikes, land mine explosions, tanks, drone bombing and soldiers carrying guns - day in and day out - aimed at Ukrainians and threatening them in their sovereign nations streets. Chancellor Scholz - Germany joined NATO - why? UKRAINIAN SOLDIERS ARENT SAFE IN GERMANY, SIR - that's so so so wrong.