Tennessee governor signs bill allowing teachers and staff to be armed on campus | CNN

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed legislation Friday allowing teachers and school staff in the state to be armed in school buildings and campuses, according to the General Assembly’s website.



Michael Stoner Yeah, you're right. I didn't read it in detail. Having done so I am surprised at the common sense restrictions that they put on it. My little joke was in response to your assertion that 'it seems to be working'. But in a larger sence you seem to be advocating armed guards around every shopping mall, college, movie theater and anywhere else where people may gather. It seems to be so much simpler to ban assault weapons which has been done in the past. So, like I said, we'll see how this plays out. The response of the gun lobby seems to be that we need more guns to protect us against the people who shouldn't have guns.

Michael Stoner I say majority because not all schools in TN are public schools. Public schools have SROs in them, but private schools can choose to have their own security or not. I think every school, public or private, should have SROs. The state legislature also voted down an amendment to this law that would require any teacher carrying to take a course on how to properly use and secure the gun so really at the end of the day it’s not about the safety of our kids. Because if it was there would be no issue with making sure safety measures were in place for teachers to carry.

Michael Stoner States do it differently . I bought a rifle three years ago. The gun shop did a local police check. It took this check five minutes and I was walking out with a semi auto rifle.

I wonder how long it took some of these mass shooters, that had documented mental health issues, to do a so call background check done to buy an AR15?

Nobody is trying to take away anybody’s second amendment right. We the people would like to see a more comprehensive background check. That alone won’t stop the mass shootings in this country, but it would slow them down. It’s a start.

John Jones yeah, I’ve heard that flawed argument before. Let’s say, for example, if we did away with the 4th amendment that we could cut 50% of the drug distribution traffic, or if we decided that prohibiting politically critical speech would reduce rioting by 50%…are THOSE conditions you are willing to live under? While you MIGHT reduce crime and violence by heavily curtailing rights, when you do that, you slide further and further towards a totalitarian state and THAT is NOT acceptable.

No…the way to manage this is to aggressively go after those who perpetrate this violence TO INCLUDE classifying the major organizations as domestic terrorists and using the fully weight of the US military, in a domestic COMBAT (not police action) role to crush it.
If Isis were operating this openly on our streets, the federal government would be doing precisely that. Like it or not, we are already IN a domestic low to mid intensity conflict.

Marcus Kuhnert
I would have to point out that schools being gun free zones are a large reason they are targeted. Delay in police involvement costs lives. People need to stop judging responsible gunner owners by the carelessness of idiots with guns. There is a difference. Majority are responsible and take it seriously as we should. Protecting our children should be the driver here not fear. I think those teachers that take on the responsibility should be required to do serious training in active shooter scenarios. Leaving schools with no protection is not the answer. There is a record high youth mental health crisis in this country.

Kyle John it's weird you think schools needing to prepare kids for classroom executions and needing armed teachers isn't the sign of a failed society.

Defenseless in schools. Say it like you live in a functional society with adults who are taking care of the kids, not having them learn to smear dead classmates blood on themselves to avoid

Defenseless in schools. Because Americas schools should look like prisons to keep them safe.

Defenseless in schools because bullets being in the top three reasons our kids expire is their fault.

How about raising kids to understand guns aren't how you express your emotions? Hard when you're taught at a young age that no adult will save you.

Keep making excuses for failing. Now let's make that bet!!!!

Kids are going to expire no matter how many teachers you arm. We can place a bet when the first teacher loses it in a kid and ruins everyone's fun

Michael Stoner I put aluminum foil on the seat of my car to keep my cat from stealing the keys and driving off. If this is a deterrent, it seems to be effective...
Seriously though, anybody crazy enough to shoot up a school isn't going to think about or be worried about one of the teachers maybe having a gun. Is marksmanship going to be part of the job interview for Tennessee teachers in the future? Do you expect a random teacher with a gun to stop a shooter? I only ask because of the 20 'professionals' cowering in the halls at Uvalde. When the cops come pouring into the school how are they going to know that the person with the gun isn't the shooter? Posting armed guards at every entrance of the school makes sense sort of. But arming teachers is insane.

Victoria Gentile
I'm not part of the problem and how dare you say that. Maybe those who think not having any protection at our schools may be the problem? I'm not saying to lock and load teachers. Yes a security guard or someone needs to be in every school with a fire arm. Unfortunately, our government does not deem our schools at risk as in airports so doing nothing is ok. Those who oppose arming certain individuals in our schools puts our kids at risk?l. Our kids are at risk period until we actually do something else to protect them. A mass shooter entering a school gunning down everyone knows he has time to do it before cops come. You can say I'm part of the problem but maybe it's those who do not want somebody who loves our children and will shoot to protect them at all cost. Our government will not protect our kids like in airports. Let's try something different such as in churches where a good guy did take down a gunman.

Andy Man so no more anti science anti abortion anti evolution in the class room? No more anti abortion nonsense more red baiting and erasing section one of our constitution? Also we pay for students on swim because we can’t trust the parents to not hold their noses while teaching their black and military children how to swim because of poverty and segregation… public education exists because we can’t trust parents to do things right as a community… heck sometimes these parents kids shoot up schools it’s almost as if that’s why some people want to arm the teachers so why are you saying you trust the parents to write the teachers lesson plan for them?

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