Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs seeks to toss portion of sexual assault and ‘revenge porn’ civil suit | CNN

Attorneys for embattled musician and producer Sean “Diddy” Combs are asking a New York court to throw out portions of a civil suit accusing the rapper and mogul of sexual assault and revenge porn.


Miranda Jones Stock Market Booming highest in History 2024
Unemployment Lowest in History.
Covid-19 git and No one was Traveling!
Border has Never been Secure!
RUSSIAN Republicans would Not pas the Border Bill OR Price Gouging!!
Biden DIDN'T START these War's!
The American Industry is about to be upgraded because the old arms are being sent to Ukraine and new Smart Weapons will be made because of the Money being spent in the New Packages. Rumpf couldn't stop the new Bill!

Go back to school and get a real education!
Having a pretty face doesn't make you smart!
