Texas sues Biden administration over expanded protections for LGBTQ+ students in conservative-friendly court

The state of Texas is suing the Biden administration over recently announced federal protections for LGBTQ+ students, arguing the Department of Education overstepped its authority by expanding the scope of a landmark anti-sex discrimination law.



Jeffrey Burney at what age were “straight ideologies” forced down your throat? At what age did your parents ask you about your girlfriend or girl crush at school? I’m assuming not when you turned 18. Probably earlier than that. The reality is that teenagers are figuring out their sexuality younger than 18 (and are pressured by parents and society to conform to the heteronormative, regardless of their own identity or exploration of that identity). No one is trying to groom kids. No one is trying to harm kids. We want kids to have an understanding that it is okay for them to be who they are. We want them to be safe from ridicule, abuse and violence that is often directed at LGBTQ+ people. The argument I hear all the time is that we’re trying to turn them that way. People are born that way, they aren’t turned that way. If they are, they are. You see more of it now because LGBTQ+ people FINALLY feel a modicum of security and safety in coming out. Pride is partly responsible for that.

First off, if I can't get the same extra protections from people who hate me because of my religious preferences, it shouldn't be implemented.

Second, the alphabet community isn't discriminated against when it comes to treating people equally.

I think the alphabet community should be treated like anyone else.

If a law firm hires someone as an Office clerk or paralegal, and it comes out that they are gay, they should be treated like anybody else with the same equality.

If a non-profit religious daycare hires a gay person without prior knowledge, and under the pretense of affirming the religious beliefs and comes out gay, there should be no such protection.

I have a problem when government makes laws preferring one community over another, and calling it equality.

Anyone should be against extra protections above normal legal protections for anyone, and excluding others because they aren't that community.

I also don't think religious people should get preferential treatment over other religious people, as we are all free to practice as we believe.

Communities need to stand up to LGBT activists.
Many businesses also violate their very own company policies because they are pressured by LGBT activists.
In business, most company policy is that it is forbidden to discuss things during work, at work functions, to customers, to suppliers, or to anyone else associated with company business about anything that is "inappropriate" (e.g. LGBT, Incest) or makes others feel "uncomfortable" (e.g. LGBT, Bestiality).
Doing so can be considered "harassment", which is illegal and is just grounds for termination.
Also, the company may not endorse or support any special interest groups (e.g. political, religious, LGBT, Incest, Bestiality, Pedophilia, etc.).

Us people on Earth are separated from God which is Hell. We are separated from God so bad things happen to good people like diseases and wars. We have to put God in our everyday lives in order for God to be present in our everyday lives. We make God’s miracles work by everyday prayer and everyday bible study. God’s miracles won’t work unless you practice Faith in God our Heavenly Father and his only son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thats why bad things happen under Gods watch and we have sin to blame for the separation of us on earth and God our heavenly Father.

Diane Dahlhouser Wisman if I'm an employee and I just happen to find out my employee is gay, why should they be grounds to treat them any differently?

Just because I believe LGBT is against my morality doesn't mean I hate them and don't want them treated fairly.

Now, if I'm a leader of a Christian school or daycare and I hire a teacher or daycare worker to teach k-4 class, and I find out they're gay, then that's fair grounds for termination. The moral obligation is to follow biblical principles professionally a d personally. They would have also applied under false pretenses.

And again, if a gay or trans person gets hurt in a car wreck, they should get equal treatment as anybody else...WITH THE EXCEPTION of declaring opposite gender to what they are biologically.

Any protections above these scenarios is preferential treatment and is also discrimination and should not happen

Jonathan Bishop I have zero interest in kids. 99.99% of LGBTQ+ people (just like 99.99% of straight people) just want to be in a loving relationship between two adults. We are not groomers, like the right-wing BS media will have you believe. You are fed lies based on exaggerated or completely false stories meant to blind you and make you believe that what applies to one, applies to all. If there’s one gay child predator, then we all must be, right? If there’s one straight child predator, then you must be one too right? It’s not in your interest to make ill-informed, misguided generalizations toward entire groups of people, like what Fox and OAN and other BS right-wing nonsense media want you to do. Love thy neighbor.

Joe Gandini  there were no ideologies pushed down our throats. We were just allowed to be kids. About girl crushes or girlfriends that was when I was a teenager What’s wrong about that? I asked my daughters about boyfriends or crushes. Yes you’re right. It is usually earlier than 18. I would say probably around the 14 to 16 year age mark. Heterosexuality babies are made both of us are products of that. No rational person considers homosexuality normal But sometimes you do end up with the kid that is that way, but me as a parent is my duty to love my child regardless I may not approve with their lifestyle choices, but I would still love my own kid. Well, there shouldn’t be any laws in place governing anything really even back when I was in high school there were gay students, but you never did find them before high school Even back when my parents were in high school they were gay students. Nobody is trying to do violence against gay or lesbian kids.  and if there was there was no amount of of laws that is going to stop that the only thing that’s going to stop that is learning how to stand up for yourself. Nobody is born gay. That is a lifestyle choice they make in their teen years or adult years. You know just as well as I do. Most teams that I know when confronted with anything that is considered gay lesbian or trans usually get very uncomfortable my teenage daughters whenever they see it on TV will usually get up and leave the room. They don’t have a problem with people that are gay. They just don’t like that type of stuff and they don’t feel comfortable around it just like I had that I brought around my kids one time and they got a little uncomfortable with me and her holding hands. We straight people like Myself where we have a problem is where gay and lesbian stuff continuously get thrown in our faces so in other words, it’s obviously getting thrown into our personal space. I don’t care if you’re gay I can care less. But I’m not going to give somebody that’s gay or lesbian or trans reassurance that their lifestyle choice is right for them I just don’t want to be a part of it. I don’t wanna have nothing to do with it. And when it comes to the whole trans kids thing that is a decision that if they want to switch genders that it is a decision that they should make as adults a minor child should not be allowed to make life altering decisions like that there’s a reason why minors can’t vote by alcohol or tobacco or firearms there’s a reason they can’t sign a legal document. And that is the biggest pushback that you will get from us specially when it involves children. No child should get gender, reassignment surgery or hormone therapy because that is just insane. Because they’re making a decision that is going to have lasting consequences. And they’re not old enough the ramifications of their decision. But if they want to make that decision as an adult power to them. And nobody, nobody really honestly cares about pride outside of the gay lesbian and trans community.
