USDA says it is testing beef for H5N1 bird flu virus | CNN

Food safety officials say they are testing beef, including ground beef from grocery stores, for the presence of the H5N1 bird flu virus that’s spreading in dairy cattle.


Chaouchi Farid so the video of hamas raping young women in the streets as the crowd cheered is make believe? The video of hamas chopping of babies heads is make believe?

You are a good example of how the media can make people believe something didn’t happen even if you see it with your own eyes.

My only hope is that the American parents can see what a 200 hundred thousand dollar education looks like in these American schools.

You have people waving flags that say queers for Palestine and gays waving the pride flag while protesting for hamas . This 200 thousand dollar education some how didn’t teach these kids that it’s illegal to be gay in Gaza and they will stone you to death for being gay.

Maybe you should watch the video of what hamas did on Oct 7 and judge for yourself.
