Trump and DeSantis meet in Miami for first conversation since Florida governor dropped out of GOP primary | CNN Politics

The meeting was their first conversation since DeSantis dropped out of the GOP primary in January.


What do you think Trump would do, that's so great for you if he's somehow lucky enough to regain the presidency? Do you think he'll cut taxes for corporations and the wealthiest individuals amongst us to lower that inflation? Maybe. The problem is all that does is hit the gas pedal and we spend more money. Balloon and burst effect. That'7.8 trillion, now that I see you're paying attention is the main catalyst to the inflation that you feel. When the economy fell into free fall under Donald Trump during covid emergencies, and all the supply chains that we had going for 200 years came to a grinding halt is somehow Joe Biden's fault? Is it Joe Biden's fault that Donald Trump dismantled the pet project of Bush 43 and the pandemic team that was built inside the White House offices? You stand on the side of a president that told us to ingest bleach as a possible cure for covid? Or how about the hydroxychloroquine that killed so many? Geez that's not to mention the insecurity in the president for just putting on a mask. Donald Trump has certainly appealed to our lower moral standards. He's made these behaviors comfortable, and from my perspective it's absolutely disgusting. Disgusting to watch people fall head over heels for con man.

And in news CNN won't report....

During the SCOTUS hearing on Presedential immunity, "Special Council" Jack Smith's qualifications for the position was discussed, as to whether he was even allowed to serve as "Special Proscecutor". Jack Smith was not confirmed by the Senate. What's the law say?

"The Office shall have its principal office in the District of Columbia and shall have field offices in other appropriate locations.

(b) The Special Counsel shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of 5 years."

Jack Smith was appointed as Special Counsil by Garland, but never confirmed by the Senate, this, not a Constitutional appointment, and thus, he is not qualified to pursue cases under this authority. His case in Florida is on hold as this issue is judicially verified. And the same will apply in DC.

Calvary greetings to you all, I'm using this medium to preach to you about JESUS CHRIST the saviour of the world.
It's a great privilege for those who have not received CHRIST into their lives to please do so now, tomorrow might be too late. say this prayer of faith LORD JESUS I come to you today knowing that I am a sinner please forgive me and write my name in the book of life, I accept you as my LORD and personal saviour, Give me the grace to walk with you in my life time. Thank you Jesus for saving me am born again.
Look for a Bible believing church around you, also feel free to drop your name and number for follow up. Congrat! God bless you.

Too bad Donald sullying a good governor. Republican chose the corrupt one rather than the one who simply needed a bit more training in how to bite and not get ravaged back. Then the national Republicans ensure DeSantis acts like a loyal dog further ruining a decent politician. DeSantis not corrupt enough for national politicians. Or is it he is the son of Italian immigrants during the Italian diaspora? Not enough generations yet to be fully American? You have to bow to a white man ? Dance immigrant dance to my corrupt vibe. Yes master yes master ..... DeSantis being violated.

“One of America’s leading experts in cults and mind-control provides an eye-opening analysis of Trump and the indoctrination tactics he uses to build a fanatical devotion in his supporters.

Over the past two years, Trump’s behavior has become both more disturbing and yet increasingly familiar. He relies on phrases like, “fake news,” “build the wall,” and continues to spread the divisive mentality of us-vs.-them. He lies constantly, has no conscience, never admits when he is wrong, and projects all of his shortcomings on to others. He has become more authoritarian, more outrageous, and yet many of his followers remain blindly devoted. Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert and a major Trump supporter, calls him one of the most persuasive people living. His need to squash alternate information and his insistence of constant ego stroking are all characteristics of other famous cult leaders”.

CNN calls President Trump's Term in office as " Full of Chaos". But actually it was anything but , other than the fact that they fought him every step of the way Republican and Democrats which made it near impossible to do all the good he would have done
But guess what , he still managed to do some amazing things for America even with every single politician against him , and we know they purposely release covid just to ruin Trump's economy, he was poised to go down as he Most successful president in History with Raising Black , and Latino , and white Employment

When you think about the History of the United States, we can all agree that this side of the World was discovered from the other side of the World by Christopher Columbus, most would agree that the Norge or Norwegians known as Vikings also made it over to this side of the planet, even further in History there is evidence that some ship made it from the Western Roman Empire during it's existence as a Nation on that side of the world, to my knowledge, there hasn't been a single person of Italian heritage to be President of the United States, Italian can mean many things, there were Etruscans, Samnites, Sabines, Sicilli, Orci, and many others even before the Celts, Germans, Greeks, Romans, and Semites would bring their contributions to the History of the Italic Peninsula

here are some general facts about the phrase:

1. "Lesson learned" is a common phrase used to express that someone has gained knowledge or experience from a particular situation or event.

2. It is often used in a reflective or introspective manner, indicating that the speaker has taken the time to consider what they have learned and how it might impact their future actions.

3. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, professional settings, and academic pursuits.

4. Saying "lesson learned" can also be a way of acknowledging mistakes or failures, and indicating a willingness to learn from them and move forward.

5. The phrase is often used as a conclusion or summary statement, indicating that the speaker has come to a clear understanding of what they have learned and how it can be applied going forward.

Pirkko Wasicki -Partners in crime! Case in point: Excerpts: The media that has been responsible for mis-information -needs to right the wrong! The American viewing audience needs to be informed about the pitfalls of Conspiracy Theories and recognize how they have been bamboozled into holding on to these theories keeping them in denial and not allowing them to become critical thinkers. The following excerpts may help explain what happened and how to move forward. This post mentions both DeSantis and Trump because they were indeed partners in crime in so many ways! Victims of Conspiracy Theories are caught up in the tangled web that the Conspiracy Theorists weave! Covid was indeed the dark force that created the anxiety to the point where some theorists called it a hoax. The fear was compounded because they had never experienced anything like it and there was no hint of when the Pandemic might end. The following excerpts seem to help explain the relationship of uncertainty and conspiracy theories: How did people like Trump
and DeSantis react to Covid? The answer is quite simple. How Floridians and now many Americans have been captured in the tangled web weaved by DeSantis and Trump! -Floridians and now many Americans were in search of an idol to worship politically. They were bamboozled by thinking the Harvard/Yale grad was the answer to the wishful thinking of this know all idol!” Instead they are worshipping the Commander-in-Chief of Conspiracy Theorists. A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable. The term has a negative connotation, implying that the appeal to a conspiracy is based on prejudice or insufficient evidence. A conspiracy theory is not the same as a conspiracy; instead, it refers to a hypothesized conspiracy with specific characteristics, such as an opposition to the mainstream consensus among those people (such as scientists or historians) who are qualified to evaluate its accuracy. Psychologists state that those whose personalities tend to be authoritarian are more likely to believe in conspiracies. In need of a sense of control over events, conspiracies provide them with an explanation for those events over which they cannot exert control. (They could not control Covid and make it go away-no matter how much it would disappear like a miracle-according to Trump!). The answer is quite simple.
It is also thought that the process of finding conspiracies behind these events is due to a strong sense of individualism. Individualists, if they feel that their independence is threatened find dark forces behind that are threatening to rob them of their freedom. end of quote--DeSantis and Trump empowered their base with an abundance of fiction-even DeSantis’s round table discussion on the harmful effects of masks -with so called Experts-became a video removed from you tube! The following excerpt of conspiracy theories involving educated versus un-educated shows how DeSantis victimized and captured his base. Excerpt: A person’s education level may play a role in whether they’re more likely to believe a conspiracy theory, according to a 2016 study
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. It found that lower levels of education correlate to a greater likelihood of believing in conspiracy theories.
“Ideally, one of the things we learn in higher education is critical thinking,” Manly says.
On the flip side, people with postgraduate degrees believe and push conspiracy theories too. They may even be harder to reason with because they’re overconfident in their positions.” The most unfortunate aspect of DeSantis’s reign of terror are the victims that he has victimized as Commander-in-chief of Conspiracy Theories! Innocent-law abiding Floridians who looked up to him as someone in a leadership role not realizing that most of his remarks have been “off the cuff” with total fiction and no factual evidence to support his positions on anything! A 2017 research review
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found that people who buy into conspiracy theories believe they benefit socially and existentially from them.
For example, someone may strongly prefer that a certain political candidate win an election because they think that person will keep them physically and financially safe. They want to believe in their cause and fight for their cause even if their rational mind tells them it’s not something they believe in,” says Carla Marie Manly, PhD, a clinical psychologist who specializes in fear, media, and the psychological impact of issues such as conspiracy theories on the psyche.
“Sometimes, people get behind a theory because they agree with the underlying cause,” she says.
They may also find a social connection with like-minded people, which feels like another benefit. This is sometimes referred to as “in-group” versus “out-group” differences. People have a tendency to identify with ideas held by those they see as similar to themselves.
“We have this tribal mentality where we want to be part of a group,” Manly says. “On a very primitive level, it makes us feel safe… we feel like we aren’t alone and part of something greater than ourselves where people understand us, and we understand them.”
One problem is that believing in a conspiracy theory often backfires and harms a person socially and existentially. Politicians on both sides of the aisle condemned the rioters on Capitol Hill, for example.
Despite this, people may remain committed to believing the theory.
“For some people, it’s a matter of pride,” Manly says. “There are certain people who, until the bitter end, will hold onto something that is not true because they don’t want to believe they’re wrong.”
They want to feel smart
Having information or knowledge that no one else has can naturally make us feel unique. A 2017 study indicates that people who believe in conspiracy theories need to feel unique by knowing “scarce information.”
“You’ll see that [desire] to be superior,” Manly says. “You have a sense that you’re elevated above other people, that you know something more. It’s the idea of, ‘I’m in the know, and you are not in the know.’”
Manly believes this is a learned behavior. This means that people can learn over time that holding these beliefs makes them feel important. This reinforces the tendency to buy into similar beliefs in the future. The Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories

Medically reviewed by Matthew Boland, PhD — Written by Beth Ann Mayer on February 9, 2021

10ºJay O'neal -The following post that appeared on social media -reveals Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump in a “nutshell!”

What could go wrong. Two wanna be dictators.

DeSantis isn't smart enough to see most everyone who associates with Trump get charged, convicted or servers time in jail.

DeSantis is not up for reelection as governor of Florida. DeSantis dropped out of the presidential race, but he still has his eyes on the White House.

Both want to be dictators. Both support Corporate America and the top 1%.

Do not vote DeSantis or Trump for ANY public office!!!

Florida under DeSantis:

"Even a cursory dip into the statistics of social and economic well-being reveals that Florida falls short in almost any measure that matters to the lives of its citizens. More than four years into the DeSantis governorship, Florida continues to languish toward the bottom of state rankings assessing the quality of health care, school funding, long-term elder care, and other areas key to a successful society.

Florida may be the place where “woke goes to die”—as DeSantis is fond of saying—but it is also where teachers’ salaries are among the lowest in the nation, unemployment benefits are stingier than in any other state, and wage theft flourishes with little interference from the DeSantis administration.

DeSantis weaponizes the cultural wars to distract attention from the core missions of his governorship, which is to starve programs geared toward bettering the lives of ordinary citizens so he can maintain low taxes on the wealthy and corporations. Florida is the ideal haven for privileged Americans who don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. It has no income tax for individuals, and its corporate tax rate of 5.5% is among the lowest in the nation. An investigation by the Orlando Sentinel in late 2019 revealed the startling fact that 99% of Florida’s companies paid no corporate income tax, abetted by tax-avoidance schemes and state officials who gave a low priority to enforcing tax laws."
