House Democrats announce they would save Speaker Mike Johnson if Marjorie Taylor Greene triggers her effort to oust him

Democrats say they would save Mike Johnson if GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene moves ahead with effort to oust him


Reality…. 2016 Donald J. Trump is elected President Of The United States. The powers controlling the globalist/ Marxist agenda start to worry and conspire to take him down ASAP. With the control they have over the Democrat Party monetary structure and knowledge of prior criminal activity pressure is put on the Democrats to take all legal actions possible. After Trump has done several things the CCP were not pleased with they deliberately released a virus on the world to create a situation that can be used to steal the next election. The CCP helped produce millions of faked ballots and internet control of voting machines. The Democrats start the Mail-In process and drop boxes. The 2020 election was more than they could deal with in one election day so several more days were necessary to change the numbers in enough states to put the puppet candidate in the Whitehouse. Brandon was never the choice, but easily controlled by the real powers running the Democrat Party. The Laughing Fool was chosen to be the Vice for similar reasons. They were both “Throwaway Puppets” who were no loss if the election went the wrong way. Brandon has been 100% controlled by the most dangerous people against America in the history of our Nation. The left wing media has been part of the conspiracies to slander and accuse Trump constantly, Or lose the support they receive from those who control the money. In my 70 years this is the most corrupt dishonest dangerous political party doing the most damage to my country. More Reality.... Over 85 MILLION Americans know this is the facts. If you don't believe the truth you are a Fool Or A Fraud.... If you leave a laughing face on this comment, you proved you are both.

those who speak so loudly of tolerance , aren't tolerant of a difference of opinion.
those who so loudly of inclusion. can't seem to include those with whom they disagree.
those who speak so loudly of diversity can't seem to tolerate diversity of thought.

Liberals are destroying our country.

It now costs me $95 to fill up my tank, $2875/month to rent my house (not even in a luxury area), and my supermarket bill is eating away at my bank account. Barely anything is still affordable - Auto insurance ($23 per month from Insurance Panda), my electricity bill ($22/month from SolarMelon), and gym ($15/month from Planet Fitness). But I’m sure those will go up too. Even crime rates are through the roof.

Those who claim to despise bigotry seem to embrace it with enthusiasm when it is they themselves who are spouting judgement.

is this not the very soul of an example of hypocrisy.


Mohan Kumar The dumbazz GQP wackos favor the guy who cheated on his wives, screwed over his investors and suppliers, incited an insurrection against out democracy and stole top secret documents. Let a pandemic get out of control. left office with the US having fewer jobs than when he came in, The guy who is a pathological liar and committed sexual assaults and corporate fraud. The guy who is pro putin and anti democracy. A guy who faked bone spurs to avoid military service. The guy who has 91 criminal indictments. Whats not to love?This would be a bad joke if it were not all true. Some day you might want to open your eyes, ears and brain. Until then

MTG is the QUEEN of CONSPIRACY THEORIES! From QAnon ..outer space lasers…fake mass shootings…“That’s another one of those Clinton murders,” Ms. Greene said, referring to John F. Kennedy Jr.’s death in a 1999 plane crash, suggesting that he had been assassinated because he was a potential rival to Hillary Clinton for a New York Senate seat. Ms. Greene accosted David Hogg, a student who had survived a 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla., who was also on Capitol Hill, but to lobby in support of stricter gun laws. In a video that CNN reported this week, Ms. Greene follows Mr. Hogg as he walks toward the Capitol, calling him a “coward” and accusing him of “using kids” to promote his own political agenda.

Steph Raines
It’s Biden CAUSED inflation!

Inflation, as we all learned from our elementary economics text book, is too many dollars chasing too few goods.

Because this simple and inviolable law of economics and finance explains in one sentence why the Biden government spending bills have accelerated the rise in consumer prices to their highest rates in nearly 30 years.

Remember: there have been three massive drunken sailor spending bills flushed into the economy by Biden and the reckless DemocRATs and mostly financed with debt: the $1.9 trillion blue state bailout bill back in the spring and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure/green energy bill.

Snehaah Kapoor why and how, WE had empty shelves and our hospitals were overwhelmed and patients couldn't receive medical care. He didn't build a wall nor did he lower healthcare like he promised. He lowered taxes for the elite, he didn't do anything for me. I know he played a lot of golf, he decided to grift off the election and say it was stolen, capital police died and are permanently disabled due to his coup, he is a rapist and a con man. He has had over 4,000 lawsuits against him since the 70's, he stole workers 401k's didn't pay wages, wouldn't rent to people of color. filed bankruptcy 6 times, he sucks at business. Trump is not the guy that can make America great again.

Joubert Watts The real irony is that I have voted GOP before, so I am not a communist leftist or a Nazi. Though democrats r not communist nor r the GOP. if u knew your history. He is though leading people like u down the NAzi road.. He has u using terms like communist left, banning books, and has been the cause of more hatred in this country than ever before. First it was the blacks that was at fault, then wanted to ban muslims, then spewed hatred about latinos. Now it is the communist left. Where does the hatred stop? We r acting like Hitler from 1933 to 1945.

Brian Diffenderfer Yet the Republicans have a majority in the house and couldn't pass that Border bill a republican wrote. Also if your math is correct we haven't added 60 trillion of debt if that's what you meant by 2.5 times. We're pumping more oil then we ever have. We not pump more oil then Russia. Also I remember in 2018 when Trump pressured Opec to release more oil from the reserves which dropped the price of oil, and that put a bunch of American oil workers out of the job. Let's not forget we bombed Syria. We killed an Iranian General. More American Troops died under the Trump administration then Biden. And that's counting Afghanistan. Also Trump released 5000 prisoners that eventually caused the Afghanistan debacle. Also the last time the United States was an isolationist was during World War 1 and eventually caused World War 2. I get it during the Trump administration MAGA was busy swooning over the orange lord to remember what was going on in the world.

Why? Johnson is a lawbreaker of hate crimes when he publicly denounces gays and transgenders. DeSantis has done the same thing which contributed to his political suicide!
Case in point: It comes as no surprise for the rise and fall of Governor Ron DeSantis when his top of the agenda/platform has been and always will be about Transgenders-that make up 1.6 percent of the population. For decades -this percent of the population has been under the discretion and care of their Parents-their Physician -Science and Research. This is out of the realm of Expertise of DeSantis. The majority of Floridians are all consumed with consumer issues -trying to make ends meet!

DeSantis's obsession with scapegoating transgender Floridians has led to escalated attacks and the erosion of freedom and liberty in our state. He continues to ignore the real problems Floridians are facing every day to push his cruel agenda of censorship and government overreach and control. The time is now to stand up and speak out!

Powerful words from Quinn Swearingen, EQFL's Central Florida Community Organizer, against the anti-transgender bill (HB 1639) in the FL Capitol.

In Florida there was a 400% increase in hate speech against the LGBT community on the internet in the following months.

Case in point: DeSantis has one of the highest governor disapproval ratings, poll finds

10ºCScott Morris When is the last time that Congress stood up chanting USA And waving American flags? If they have never done such then they just in that alone have shown that they care more about their support to a foreign nation than they care about their support to the American people that voted them in. Remember when this virtually same Congress except for a few different members decided that during the pandemic, citizens get $1600 at best, but then continue to give foreign nations billions of dollars? It's even our taxpayer dollars And they care more about giving it to foreign nations than doing anything with it for the American people. When Congress stands in support more for a foreign nation than they stand together to improve the very country that they are supposed to serve Then I don't believe they have America's best interest at hand and care more about the interests of foreign nations. Our own country will have plenty of its own issues if we continue to show more support for foreign nations Than for our own. If they want to support Ukraine so much, they can go work for ukraine's government instead of the United States government. If you want to support Ukraine so much, go ahead and send all of your money to them and maybe even go fight for them. Yourself to show your support for the ongoing money draining war that doesn't seem to be making any real progress on the Ukrainian side, even with all of the funds that they have received from foreign nations.