Gazans thank US university protesters as Israel calls for students to be expelled | CNN

While some US colleges are hardening their stance on pro-Palestinian protesters, in Gaza they are being applauded.


Aya Ley i also want to express that i pray every night for the hostages. But, i do not believe Netanyahu gives a crap about them. I believe he is willing to kill as many Palestinians as he can get away with killing, even if those indiscriminate attacks include the poor hostages! They don’t deserve that fate any less than the Palestinians. You may say, well Palestinians voted for Hamas; well, Israelis voted for their terrorist leader too, but i could never wish harm to the isreali civilians either. The amount of dehumanizing that has been imbedded into isreali people is the same that is imbedded into terrorist organizations. Same! So, we need to fix on BOTH ends

Aya Ley of course i want Hamas to be gone, but i also expect us all to speak out against the atrocities that isreal commits. Nothing i say or do defends Hamas. But, remember that Netanyahu helped build and fund them. He is a terrorist. His regime are terrorists. And, the hope for peace is that all religions, including Jewish people, are coming together to protest against the genocide (this doesn’t mean pro Hamas). I am a mother - i want all of our children to be safe! But, to ONLY blame Hamas and to spread misinformation will not bring about the change needed for all children, Palestinian and Israeli, to be safe. And, again, what you stated above is not true . Please fact check

Johnny Merren that’s false…. But let’s use those numbers. There were approx 2.1 million Palestinians in Gaza pre Oct 7… even if that 34,000 were completely civilians that’s about 1.6% of the population, when in war a common civilian death ratio is closer to 1.9+%….. here is the thing, that 34,000 number is not all civilians, they don’t count militants separately it’s all in that one big number…. Israel says they have killed 11-13,000 militants, let’s use the lower number… that’s now 23,000 “civilians” that’s now 1% of the population… that’s an amazingly low rate for a war, especially in the fighting conditions that exist AND the fact that Hamas is using them as human shields and it’s been proven, they are directly responsible for some of those deaths themselves (shooting people who tried to leave)….. it’s terrible yes, but this is war, and Israel has done more to protect civilian life then any other military force in modern history has and the numbers prove it.

Ps the woman and children. A person under the age of 18 is considered a child in these statistics, and unfortunately many of the Hamas militants are under the age of 18…

Jennie Clopton dictator? I recall 4 years of freedom of doing as I please legally... He never made me do anything. But I do remember Biden forced me along with every other citizen to take the covid vaccine or else we'd loose our jobs (employers 100 or more), along with 80,000 military service members were discharged as well. Biden pushed his agenda telling everyone to get an electric car. Biden wanted several states to take Trump off the ballot so it dosen't give the voters the choice (which the supreme court said that's a no-no). Biden forced every citizen to now pay student debt with their taxes. Biden tells you to hate any Trump supporter and you all follow.... that is more like the dictator that you speak of. Oh, you hate me too since I'm a Trump Supporter, imagine the irony. That's what Biden told you to do.

Aya Ley 1. I did fact check
And they were fake news.
2. As i stated, there were still atrocious committed on October 7, but facts matter;
3 genocide doesn’t mean all would have to be killed; what the IOF and Netanyahu is doing is collective punishment; forced displacement; and a genocide indiscriminately destroying Hospitals, universities, churches and mosque and used the “civilizations as shields” as the excuse. Nope. They won’t get away with it. The entire world will remember this genocide ; who denied it; who justified; and who spoke out against it (me, just as i swore i would have done had i been alive during the holocaust)

Whatever happened to marching in solidarity for peace and serenity amongst each other? Civility, it's lost on this generation. Their foul mouth genx parents, are mostly to blame for the really dumb-down the moral ethic of there children, so much so, that they've learned to be emotional 'x what they forgot to do was Rita history book. This old story has a binders full of heartbreaks and tragedy post WW2 Jewish settlement dedication to the state of Israel, were there hardships not worth it? These American children need their hands spanked real hard and sent back to the classroom, those that don't belong inside any building or ground can be charged with trespassing to hostage taking most likely. And I say do it!

Phil Brett Palestinians aren’t terrorist the American government and Israel are the real terrorist.. The government brain washes you to fear anyone that’s not white.. labeling and calling names.
Blacks: criminals
Mexicans: illegal immigrants
Arabs: terrorists
Instill fear and hatered to divide and control everyone. What other way can they make the American people be ok with killing humans in every part of the earth other than the west. Some Americans are sheep and can’t think for themselves. They agree with everything the government says even though the government can care less about the American people. All they care about is money.. They’re willing to sacrifice every person in America to please Israel cuz they got the money.

Ayyaz Sheikh lol.Jehad Ayyaz, Sorry, I just laughed at your nonsense. Am I supposed to feel insulted? This is yet another reason palestinians will never have their own state. They refuse to peacefully coexist with Israel. Israel was in the process of turning the gaza over to them but they continue to prove themselves unwilling to be peaceful people. If I was Israel, why would i want to allow these people to live next door to me? All gaza would be is a safe haven for launching terror attacks. Send them all to Iran. There, they will have good company.

I agree about Netanyahu. He doesn’t care about anything beside staying in power and for the sake of peace both he and Hamas needs to go. That doesn’t mean you’re not trivializing the word genocide. For instance in the rowanda genocide around 900000 Tutsi were killed in a 100 days. On October 7 Hamas killed 1200 people. We’re now more the 200 days into the war if Israel killed like Hamas for the joy of killing there would be more then 250000 dead now. Israel doesn’t want to kill civilians but Hamas is hiding behind their own people and many of the people killed are not innocent but Hamas operatives. And all the atrocities that I described above and a lot more did happen. Please fact check.

10ºAyyaz Sheikh lmao.Jehad Ayyaz, Goodness gracious That nonsense came out of a pig’s lips! Let's not forget, Palestinians were given ample warning to leave before Israeli troops entered Gaza to counter the attacks of Hamas. They chose to stay at their own demise. Also remember that nearly 80% of Palestinians support Hamas as their governing authority and were capturing kidnapped victims who attempted to escape, turning them back over to Hamas. Israeli officials provided a safe corridor and haven away from the conflict.

If ever there was a reason to justify war, this is it. For someone to legitimize what Hamas and their supporters have done, and are still doing (they still hold hostages - including Americans - Biden are you listening?) they must be mentally ill and / or brainwashed. To call what Hamas has done as "legitimate" is an outrage and an embrace of true evil. There is a famous quote that goes like this, "All it takes for Evil to rule is for Good men (and women) to do nothing." Unless Evil is challenged by true Good, we will continue to experience these human atrocities and there will be no true peace.Even the Egypt doesn’t want the pigs of Palestine.
