Arizona Senate votes to repeal Civil War-era near-total abortion ban | CNN Politics

JUST IN: Arizona Senate votes to repeal a Civil War-era near-total ban on abortion, weeks after the state Supreme Court revived the law.


…. Abortion doesn’t affect me nor most Americans. It wasn’t completely banned but rather turned over to the States as a States Rights issue where it always belonged.
It is an issue for some but not being able to afford day to day living is a much Bigger issue.

…. What Does affect ALL Americans ,,,, Joe Biden’s Abysmal economy.
Reported today…. Mortgage interest rates will remain at a 23 Year High.
Not enough inventory on the market leaving houses overpriced & unaffordable.

… What Does affect ALL Americans…. the complete Disaster at Biden’s OPEN Southern border where we are forced to pay for them…. Their housing medical expenses phones food schooling interpreters etc etc etc.

…. In New York Illegal Immigrants get more money from the government (the taxpayers) than our Veterans…. $1,400 per month vs $1,200 per month.

Joe Biden’s Energy Tax has caused a continued 41% increase in energy to include utilities & gas.

Twisted & Despicable….
…. America cannot afford 4 more years of Biden.

Voting Trump…. Absolutely

Cassie Robin …. It is not a fundamental Right & is not protected under the U.S. Constitution.
Just because you want something to be so doesn’t make it so.

…. Abortion doesn’t affect me nor most Americans. It wasn’t completely banned but rather turned over to the States as a States Rights issue where it always belonged.
It is an issue for some but not being able to afford day to day living is a much Bigger issue.

…. What Does affect ALL Americans ,,,, Joe Biden’s Abysmal economy.
Reported today…. Mortgage interest rates will remain at a 23 Year High.
Not enough inventory on the market leaving houses overpriced & unaffordable.

… What Does affect ALL Americans…. the complete Disaster at Biden’s OPEN Southern border where we are forced to pay for them…. Their housing medical expenses phones food schooling interpreters etc etc etc.

…. In New York Illegal Immigrants get more money from the government (the taxpayers) than our Veterans…. $1,400 per month vs $1,200 per month.

Joe Biden’s Energy Tax has caused a continued 41% increase in energy to include utilities & gas.

Twisted & Despicable….
…. America cannot afford 4 more years of Biden.

Voting Trump…. Absolutely

It makes me sad to see how little Trump is valued by us. This great and noble man deserves more support. We should take an example from other nations, such as the Turks, how much they love their President Erdogan. You often hear such beautiful words from them as: "Dear President, if I could, I would give you some of my lifetime so that you can stay with us for a very long time." Unfortunately, we never hear anything like that about Trump. This righteous man deserves it more. He is doing our country incredible good with his enormous wisdom. We should all thank him more. #Trump2024

That's only because the GOP majority got caught ON camera celebrating the fact that they refused to vote it down and won because they hold the majority. They're playing their own citizens cuz they know what side their bread is buttered on and they know this is a HOT button issue. Don't ever forget Ladies and anyone who loves females. They were celebrating a total abortion ban that was passed before Az was even a state and before women had the right to vote, and they would have left it at that EXCEPT that they got caught on camera celebrating their shortsighted "win".

L Richard Scroggins …. HA… Not embarrassing at all.
Living in an alternative universe as you are doesn’t make What IS go away.
Your words are a Load of Liberal HOOEY & not proven.

You mean sexual predator as in President Bill Clinton coronavirus as far back as Governor to President. In the White House, the Peoples House for Hod sake.
You mean insurrection as in the Democrats never brought charges nor was he convicted…. Just a bunch of Left Wing biased BS & yammering.
NDA are not illegal…. they’re done all over this country. Michael Cohen a thug a disbarred attorney a convicted felon is the prosecutor’s star witness…. Good Grief.
The prosecutors keep throwing out theories in an effort to see what sticks. That’s not how the legal system works.
…. If you want to know what Democrats are up to you only have to look at what they are accusing others of doing.
…. A trial looking for a crime.

I gave out Biden facts… you gave nothing.
The only thing worse for Americans than 4 more years of Joe Biden is a Kamala Harris president when his feeble self cannot complete the term.

Look in the mirror at the Hypocrisy looking back at you before throwing stones.