Democrats reintroduce federal CROWN Act legislation to ban hair discrimination | CNN

Democratic lawmakers have reintroduced legislation that would ban discrimination based on a person’s hairstyle or hair texture, marking the latest attempt in Congress to pass a federal CROWN Act.


Mike Lill Kristi Noem is telling everybody that she murdered a puppy because she wants to be Donald's VP and she thinks the story will appeal to him. SICK AF!!!
Donald Trump is nothing if not a dreamer. In seeking to return to the Presidency, it’s as though he has reimagined America as a kingdom and himself the king, an absolute ruler whose actions, no matter how sordid, cannot be stopped or subject to prosecution in a court of law. And yet what remains most remarkable is how far down the road to fulfilling this fantasy he now is, and how many millions of Americans he has managed to carry along with him.
SICK AF MAGAts!!! #voteblue

Jose Briben The rule of illegal immigration in transforming the US democracy into dictating ELECTOCRACY!.

Every thing in the democratic party is becoming about race or color ” identity politics ” , they have nothing more to offer.
This republic ” USA ” is becoming electocracy , thats to say ethincs group are voting based on their ethnicity or identity , and are dictating the political life and oppressing other groups via elections. This identity based majority will never agree to give up the power to the otherside, for ex they are using illegal immigration to solidify their electoral majority.
If the republicans do not win the next elections, they will never be able to win again! Because their electoral base ( white europeans ) will become a minority due to illegal immigration from southern borders.
Again I think the dissolvement of the current union is the solution for identity politics crisis, antisemitism and the political bankcruptcy in north america, Otherwise a new holocaust and civil war will start looming after the next elections!
