Dave and Buster’s is getting into the betting business | CNN Business

Dave and Buster’s, the popular restaurant and entertainment chain, is getting into the betting business



This is a very compelling move.Dave and Buster's entry into the gambling industry will open up a whole new growth opportunity for their business, as well as exemplifying the potential and appeal of the gambling market. However, it also raises some concerns, particularly about whether restaurants and entertainment venues should be associated with gambling. Importantly, Dave and Buster's needs to ensure that they properly manage risk and protect consumer interests when they venture into the gambling business. This will require them to adopt stringent regulatory and security measures to ensure the fairness of the games and the legal rights of the participants.

Are the conditions complete for a student revolution in America?

The control of politics by old people and the miserable choice between Biden and Trump has made the presidential elections meaningless for young people.

Money’s control over public affairs makes the loyalty and rhetoric of candidates directed more to financiers than to the voter.

- Gloomy economic outlook. Despite the large expenditure on university education, the graduate is often forced to work as a waiter in a café or an assistant in a store.

Liberal promises have failed to provide a decent life for young people. Most students suffer from many social failures. Their expectations far exceed the options available to them. The process of distraction that has been successful for decades through the entertainment industry and professional media has reached a dead end. Students get news from social media and direct sources. Many of them realize that there is no hope of change through familiar paths.

The university revolution could be the spark that ignites a student revolution in the United States and throughout Western countries in search of a better future


Esto es noticia mundial hoy, pero lo dijimos hace tiempo y nos llamaron locos conspiranóicos...

En un juicio que se desarrolla en UK, los representantes de Astrazeneca dicen que la COVID-19 ocasiona efectos adversos graves y claro, que la muerte también, pero aún así las vacunas salvan vidas

Ese es el lema más común del #teamvavunitas... Que le digan eso a los que confiaron y hoy están muy enfermos o muertos️ que los beneficios eran mayores al riesgo y lo que han sufrido era "por tú salud, por tú bien" y que se sigan vacunando...

Los abogados de personas del Reino Unido que sufrieron síndrome de trombosis con trombocitopenia tras vacunarse afirmaron que el laboratorio lo reconoció en documentos legales.


Justicia para las víctimas...

El Conservador C.R
