US imposes sanctions on more than a dozen companies in China for support of Russia’s war in Ukraine | CNN Politics

JUST IN: The United States imposed sanctions on more than a dozen companies in China and Hong Kong for their support of Russia’s war in Ukraine as part of a tranche of nearly 300 new sanctions unveiled Wednesday.


Anton Pridannikov Today the war machine is the USA. Hitler's Germany of the 21st century - USA. In the same way (like Hitler in 1941) they subjugated Ukraine and are using it for the war against Russia.
This is why they give Ukraine weapons so that the war does not end... Washington needs a long war, so that Russia can fight for as long as possible and so that 2-3 generations of people who hate Russia grow up in Ukraine. For the conflict to last for at least decades, like in Palestine/Israel...
Everyone understands that Ukraine a priori cannot win. Therefore, the task is “not to let Russia win.” This is already being voiced openly, in the media... This is why they are giving so many weapons to simply support the war.

Anton Pridannikov
WW3 will not be risked for Ukraine and in particular for it's South East because of the nuclear deterrent in possession of Russia.
If today they are still fighting is because NATO for the first time in years was told ; < sorry but you are not going in that place ! (Ukraine)>.
A humiliation for NATO that impotent to vindicate and in fear to loose prestige is waging a proxy war in the hope of wearing Russia.
So far Western pride only managed to achieve more deaths at Ukraine expences that in my opinion should rather accept the loss than carry on this way.
The reason? Because the fight consists mostly to defend NATO prestige and expansionistic attitude rather than re conquer an unstable russian speaking, Russian orientated territory that alteady prooved through insurgency to prefer mother Russia to a Russia hostile and western orientated Ukraine.

Anton Pridannikov The shepherd scares the sheep with wolves,
The hounds drive the sheep into the stall with bark and fangs,
The sheep wait in fear for the fatal end,
In the end, the men eat all the sheep themselves.

They shear their wool while it grows,
They skin them and make clothes for them,
They throw the bones to the dogs from behind their gates,
But the sheep don't know anything about life.

They all want to get ahead,
And at the hour when the master chooses his prey,
All the sheep believe that he will save them all,
They kneel before him in reverence.

The master chooses the fattest,
The foolish flock envies the chosen one,
Some shout that he must be brave,
Others say it's luck or fate's gift...

You can't tell sheep the truth,
Though if you do, they won't believe it either,
The sheep are meant to teach people,
By a very vivid example.

The world will grow stupider every day in fear,
Villages, towns, cities, people, countries...
There are no people among sheep,
There are, unfortunately, sheep among people...(с)

Anton Pridannikov In Ukraine, from 2014 to 2022, people could be imprisoned and even killed for campaigning against the war. In Ukraine, many support the war. Not the majority, but many. The USA and half of Europe support and sponsor the war. Russia is practically the only one who does not support it and constantly offers to end it. But Zelensky signed a law that prohibits any negotiations.
Ukraine ceased to be independent in 2014. At the same time, Ukraine ceased to exist as a subject with which treaties and agreements were signed. In 2015, Ukraine signed another agreement, which it refused (and did not intend to) implement. Russia was forced to intervene.

Bob Piland do you remember when tRump kicked everyone out of the room so him and Putin could talk privately Remember when he believed Putin over our own intelligence agency Remember when asked his thoughts on Putin invading Ukraine he said he is a smart man I would have done the same thing? Remember when trumps said he will encourage Putin to go after NATO countries Do you understand what will actually happen if he was allowed to invade our country again. We will loose all of our allies including Canada He will dismantle all 3 branches of government so David Koresh 10.0 can be king dictator He will go after anyone and everyone he feels has wronged him WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF A 6 YEAR OLD ACTED LIKE THIS ON THE PLAYGROUND tRump acts like and talks like a kid who ends up being a school shooter

Look, today’s Communist/Democrat party is ANTI-LAW ENFORCEMENT and back cop hating groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Hell, they fund these scumbags. But these same idiots depend on the same LEO they hate and defund for their own protection.
It’s a freaking joke and a huge slap in the face of our brave officers that PROTECT AND SERVE!
While Senator Kamala Harris was running for VP, she was simultaneously asking her followers on Twitter to help bail out violent BLM rioters, many of whom were attacking law enforcement officers. Squad” members, Democrat Representatives Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar have all openly called for the defunding of police in America.
The results of a new poll that have just been released could be a wake-up call for these radical lawmakers who support the defunding of police departments across America.
The new poll reveals that the violent Black Lives Matter rioters and looters and Democrat lawmakers who support them couldn’t be more off the mark when it comes to how the general public feels about law enforcement patrolling their neighborhoods. I
Joe Biden is NOT running America = THESE people are!!!!!!! Time to WAKE UP AMERICA!!! We need to re=elect Donald J. Trump as President in 2024 to save our country.

RESPECT FOR #AnthonyBlinkin
For VISIT in china


#солдатармиирф.,= #солдатамармиирф
тем из вас=#солдатыармиирф,
что хотят выЖИТЬ = вам Сюда =
ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ (ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)

#russians #ruzzians
#putinizm #rashizm
#ANTIputinizm #ANTIrashizm #,..
ruzzians, yours z-crazy lols+tears+ = this is a pandemic for russians faces, when yours coutry is a looser in all sides of shees beaning with looser at the head = who put yours russian lifes in the Total russian Death
!!!+++469840+1120!!!+++,,,..!!!dead ruzzian soldiers for today news ,..,.. : =
For What?!?
For What yours deathes, ruzzian soldiers ?!? :
#putinIsAterrorist #russiansputinYourANTIfriend #putinItIsAvirusFORrussia #putinItIsApandemicFORrussians #russiaputinIsYourDeath
#russiansputinIsYourDeath #NOfutureFORrussiaWITHputin
For This yours deathes, ruzzian soldiers?!? :

ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ (ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)

(469840+1120 уничтоженных солдат армии р.ф. = ++??Далее Ещё Будет??++ = следующим = можешь стать =
именно ты,
солдат "блошиной" армии р.ф.
#солдатармиирф.,= #солдатамармиирф
тем из вас=#солдатыармиирф,
что хотят выЖИТЬ = вам Сюда =
ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ (ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)


#Груз200рф . !!!=!!! .
!! ++,××,++ !! . .
#Груз200рф . !!!=!!! .
!! мінус469840+мінус1120+,..,.. = (ДалееЕЩЁБудет?!?,.. = ,а зачем?)=
(469840+1120 уничтоженных солдат армии р.ф. = ++??Далее Ещё Будет??++ = следующим = можешь стать =
именно ты=#солдатармиирф.
тем из вас=#солдатыармиирф,
что хотят выЖИТЬ = вам Сюда =
ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ (ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)
(469840+1120 уничтоженных солдат армии р.ф. = ++??Далее Ещё Будет??++ = следующим = можешь стать =
именно ты=#солдатармиирф.
тем из вас=#солдатыармиирф,
что хотят выЖИТЬ = вам Сюда =
ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ (ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)

Песня - Гробы!Гробы!Гробы!Гробы!

Песня - Гробы!Гробы!Гробы!Гробы!
сегодня обращена к тоннам мёртвого руссzzкого мяса, разбросанного по Нашій Живій Українській Землі = к тоннам уже мёртвых русских паразитов и подонистых убийц + к продолжающим гибнуть за взбесившегося русского царька тотально-русским идиотам,…,…,…
П.С. : враги-солдаты,_…к тем,_…кто из вас ещё жив пока,… = включайте свои собственные мозги и самостоятельно прекращайте эту позорную для вас и неправедную по всем пунктам войну = …,пока вы ещё живы,… прекращайте это глобальное зло самостоятельно. возвращайтесь безвозвратно к себе домой живыми и направьте свои силы, свои жизни, своё оружие на путинский режим, чтобы спасти вашу россию, пока это ещё минималистично-возможно,…,…,…. Амінь :

солдатам армии р.ф. , которые хотят сдаться в плен , чтобы выжить (+469840+1120+ уничтоженных солдат армии р.ф.) - вам сюда - Хочу жить (горячая линия) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)


,. , ,

#солдатармиирф.,= #солдатамармиирф
тем из вас=#солдатыармиирф,
что хотят выЖИТЬ = вам Сюда =
ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ (ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ) - https://ru.m.wikipedia.or...BD%D0%B8%D1%8F)

赖清德上任三天后 中国绕台湾举行军演
台湾立法院星期五(5月24日)继续审理“国会改革法案”。公民团体延续星期二(21日)的民意热度,持续号召民众到立法院前集结。台北时间21:30(13:30 GMT),主办单位称,立法院及其周边有超过10万人集结。 立法院院会原订于18:00结束,但在傍晚,在野中国国民党团提议延后至午夜,在场其他立委也同意继续“挑灯夜战”。 一名不愿具名的退休人士向BBC中文表示,他特地从中部搭车来台北参加集会,表达他对国会具有调查权、听证权的担忧,担心亲中立委会因此传召民间企业到立法院,要求企业交出机密资料。29岁的简先生最担忧的是“没有逐条审查”,他认为“没有讨论就没有民主”,简单粗暴的少数服从多数并不