Toddler of Phoenix first responder dies after bounce house goes airborne | CNN

A 2-year-old child died after a strong gust of wind sent the bounce house he was in airborne and into a neighboring lot in central Arizona, the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office said.


Nina GF RIP to the kid and for his family and friends.
IMO, this COULD be due to our "news" doing everything for ratings instead of caring about our safety. They probably wasted 10 minutes repeating the same stuff about politicians and celebrities, instead of doing like they used to: (IF severe weather was occuring, the very first thing they would say would be: " get out of mobile homes and other vulnerable structures (i.e bounce houses and other toys that don't meet building codes)." I wish so much that our media would improve or people would quit feeling lied to.

Dee Devaney probably because when you lose a child this way at least for the first few days or weeks it doesn't matter all the super tiny details, all that matters is your child is gone. You know knowing the super tiny details is it going to help the family bring the child back, so it's certainly not going to help a total stranger bring the child back. They were released details that they want released. This is an absolute stranger to you and I. We have no skin in this game as the old saying goes we don't pay their bills or anything like that. The death of a loved one can be a very private matter. You should be able to be mature enough to respect that.

Klein Cassie ok, here I'll say some big words you may have to look up later. There are typically ISO or ASTM rated anchors and stakes so as to keep the jumper grounded. I laughed at your weight comment for multiple reasons. First, their weights wouldn't be uniform (take into account they are jumping, could be mid air, etc.) We call this live load. Items that are fixed or not moving are called dead loads. Also, there is something called a Bernoulli effect where air, water, etc will traverse around an item such as this and lift can occur. They do studies on these and advise spacing of the stakes, diameter, type of anchor etc based on an assumed max load. I could draw you a picture of what is occurring as you look like you have an art degree and I well, have one in Rocket Science soooo......
