CDC warns of multi-state e.coli outbreak tied to walnuts | CNN

Here are things you need to know today Violent confrontation at UCLA protest Antony Blinken in Israel Trump trial Kansas tornado CDC warns of multi-state e.coli outbreak tied to walnuts


Thank you dear Mr Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of Hamas leaders, for your amazing and brave interview at Mr Jordan Peterson podcast.
(Last link below- highly recommend to watch)

And i wish you all the best in life Mosab and hopefully one day, we will celebrate real peace
‎‏ Dr. Einat Wilf at the American Congress:

‎‏“This is a society mobilised for the idea that their duty is to “liberate” Palestine from the river to the sea.
‎‏So when money flows into Gaza, when cement flows into Gaza, they don’t think - “oh, let’s make Gaza a beautiful prosperous example of what it’s like when Palestinians control territory”.

‎‏No. They say -“great, we have now a launch pad”, literally a launch pad from which to take back, in their mind, palestine.
‎‏So any money that will flow there is guaranteed to serve the war machine.
‎‏And it’s not just hamas.
‎‏generation after generation, trained murderers emerge to “liberate Palestine”.

‎‏The perpetrators of the massacre of the Israeli athletes in 1972 at the Munich Olympics were graduates of UNrwa schools. The current perpetrators and planners of the mass massacre on 7/10 were graduates of UNrwa schools.”

‎‏* Are all Palestinians committed to not having a Jewish state between the river and the sea?

‎‏“So as I said to the credit of the Palestinians, they’ve been very clear for a century as to what they’re fighting for.
‎‏and I agree with you completely, one of the reasons I’m very proud of this book is that this book gives the Palestinians the respect of taking them at their word.

‎‏On this issue there are no dissenting voices. Now I give this talk and I’ve given it over the years to many groups and especially students and I understand that they rebel, but almost every group says -
‎‏“You’re painting such a broad brush,
‎‏and it can’t be that all Palestinians support that, just like there are different voices in the Israeli society and there are more extremist people and less, there must be different voices among Palestinians. So my answer always been the same - that actually to make such a broad claim, I have opened myself up to easy rebuttal, easy to refute me.

‎‏So go ahead! please bring me a Palestinian *who in their own words and publicly*, it could be a post, a tweet, it could be a speech- but it has to be in their own words and it has to be public. And the words can’t be some mushy -“ Oh, we long for the day of peace, or “We hope it cease fire and the violence to end”.

‎‏When I worked with former Prime minister Shimon Peres, there was this idea that in peacemaking we need a constructive ambiguity- Let’s just fudge the issues, get everyone to sign an agreement, they’ll build trust and things will take care of it-
‎‏But what we know is that it has been destructive ambiguity, so I’ve become proponent of what I call -
Constructive specificity - be very precise.

‎‏So- what do we need to hear?

‎‏”I, as a Palestinian, support the equal right of the Jewish people, as a nation, to self-determination in their historic homeland in the Land of Israel. We understand that the implication of that we can build the State of Palestine next to the Jewish State of Israel rather than instead of it.
‎‏We understand that this means that we will no longer be refugees and do not have a right of “return” into the sovereign of the state of Israel.”

‎‏That’s what we need to hear - and I can assure you that no one comes back.”‎‏

Cheryl Stephens Trump didn't have to take a 400,000 dollar paycheck? He overcharged the Government Millions with Vacations and some official events held at his Gawdy Azz Resorts and Hotels! Every time that Mfer played golf at one of his gawdy Azz Resorts he overcharged the Government for the Privilege! That Mfer made a killing! A Permanent tax break to the Rich and Cooperations who didn't need it and a one time tax break for everyone else was a Middle finger to the Middle Class! You Simple Minded Mfers need come to the realization that Trump still has 88 Federal and State Felony charges against him and those DA or AGs who Ironically are African American ain't playing with his Racist Azz and would only need a few Convictions out of 88 Felony charges to sentence 77 year old Donald Trump to die in Prison!