Elder fraud tops $3.4 billion as schemes targeting people over 60 rise | CNN Politics

People over the age of 60 in the US reportedly lost more than $3.4 billion in fraud schemes in 2023, a nearly 11% increase from the year before, according to a report from the FBI



Chuck Harris yep something Trump actually said but the fakenews media took out of context. He said he loves all of his voters. Even the uneducated. You don't have to be educated to have common sense. Some of the biggest idiots are educated idiots.......hint. Ever notice how libtards always have to try and insult someone's intelligence or education level? It must take a genius to vote for your own grocery bill to be doubled I guess. There's an abundance of idiots without common sense that have a masters degree. Education doesn't mean anything. 1930's Germany was the most educated population of that era and look what happened there 10 years later........