Three men in Canada charged with assassinating a Sikh separatist | CNN

Canadian police have made arrests in the 2023 killing of a prominent Sikh separatist that sparked a diplomatic row between India and Canada.


Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.
Habits that are not good for us can be replaced with better ones, such as setting goals or developing a morning routine.

My advice? 3 things:

1. Education and Skill Development. By continuously learning and enhancing your skills, you can stay ahead of the competition and open up new opportunities for success.

2. Personal Development: A positive mindset and good habits can help you overcome challenges and become more resilient in the face of obstacles.

3. Networking: Building a strong network can help you gain access to new opportunities, resources, and insights that can contribute to your growth.

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CNN shamessly smears college protester! Manufactured propaganda! AIPAC and Corporate messaging. MSM smeared protesters in the civil rights movement. They smeared protesters in Vietnam, Apartheid in S Africa, Iraq and Afghanastan. Only LATER TO CELEBRATE people like MLK, & MANDELA who they formerly brutalized. This is how they operate on all issues of social justice. IF WE TRUSTED THE MEDIA....NOONE WOULD BE FREE. They are always an enemy to social justice. They manipulate, misrepresent, demonize and lie. They are never on the right side of history. The truth eventually catches up with them. You'd think they'd learn to be thoughtful and less reactive in support of their agenda. But...its all about hidden agendas and $$$$. This time Israel has a powerful affect on their political agenda. $$$$

Amazing to see the US entering panic mode over absolutely nothing. Students didn't hurt anybody. They simply seek to alert the American public to the horrors in Gaza. But the US government won't even acknowledge there is a problem after 7 months. So they are sending riot police, basically, to enforce national denial and dementia

Zionists Media "demonize" the students' peaceful protests! Can't get why everybody is panicking!

The US government is subject to Israel's government

The resistance now that will be born after the US waged war on their own students will be unreal.

The kids of today are awake and will not sleep

"The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are."

Mia Christina salut mes frères et sœurs, Excusez moi beaucoup de cette manière de vous contacter,je viens
D'apercevoir votre groupes et je me suis dit que vous êtes des personnes qu'ils me faut. En bref, je suis d'origine française et actuellement France Paris . Je suis propriétaire d'une entreprise d'importation
D'huile France, et j'ai des problèmes avec le père de mes enfants il y a de cela 2 ans. je vous le jure vous pouvez me crois bon dieu, moi Je suis très fier d'écrire se témoignage pour remercie maître fagnon puissant Médium que j'ai trouvé dans ma vie, il est le seul puissant médium qui a réussir a fait mon travail, car suis déjà arnaqué pas les faux marabout,c'est la j'ai vu le témoignage fait par une femme que maître fagnon est très puissant et j'ai contacté fagnon sur sont whatsapp :+229 90 35 15 01
En vérité il a réussir a retourner mon mari qui ne voulais même plus me voir a ses yeux, et actuellement suis avec mon mari et tout vas très bien chez nous
Ma soeur ne doute jamais je vous le jure mes frères et sœurs d'avoir contacté maître fagnon sur sont Whatsapp ;+229 90 35 15 01 pour tout problèmes d'amour et de foyer

Merci fagnon
whatsapp :+229 90 35 15 01