What security may look like at University commencement ceremonies amid ongoing protests | CNN

A time of sun-drenched pomp and circumstance, esteemed speakers, academic robes and decorated mortarboards arrives amid anxiety and exasperation for graduates, faculty and university officials grappling with safety concerns over potential disruptions



I have only two short questions and one suggestion for the BDSM supporters,
#Question 1. They demand to boycott or cut ties with Israel because the whole country and its population is responsible for any wrongdoing actions of the current Israeli govt or the defence forces members?
But isn't it the very thing they say about the Gazan civilians, that they're not responsible for what Hamas terrorists did?

#Question 2. They oppose the ongoing operations in Gaza in response to the terrorist attack, but at the same time they're claiming that October 7th was a Resistance to occupation, HOW?

Actually if you start cutting ties with the people you seem to "hate the most in the world" and especially with the knowledge they gave to the world, you'll be sitting in a cave. You can ask anyone in academia, or anyone who knows how or where to collect information other than tiktok.

That's what happens when you suddenly make such thing your passion or most important thing in your life which you didn't even know about just 6 months ago, or still don't know what you are talking about.
You know, this is why I love this portrayal the most:

Sarah Bernstein Tennyson and it’s also a public place where we are allowed to use facial recognition aided by AI to identify the anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic threats to Jews. And then they end up on “do not hire” lists. Because saying “from the river to the sea” is a call for violence against Jews, and employers are legally required to protect their Jewish staff from those who want to harm them, so none of these students can ever be hired!! They students are destroying their professional lives before they start, and I will be laughing when they complain they have an Ivy League degree and can only get a minimum wage job. Let them starve!

Duff Branum I do not disagree but this is Israel. Very different than Afghanistan or Iraq. This whole thing is a cluster. Bibi is a sociopath and he's taken it too far. I was in Israel last year visiting good friends. Made a random comment that the public garbage can were always so tidy. I almost threw up because they are checked for bombs. Manhole covers! What to do it I'm alone and the sirens go off. Hamas has made this their daily lives. Anywhoo, when these kids, or anyone else, makes American Jews scared or are victims of hate crimes, I'm not going to stay quiet. When people target Muslims or Arab Americans, I can't stay silent. I get feisty.

Duff Branum actually, it kinda does. All the adults there voted for hamas and let the hamas terrorists hide in schools, hospitals and other types of buildings. Only sad part is the kids don't get a choice who their parents are. I'm sure if there was a way to get rid of the adults in Gaza and not hurt any of the children, they'd do it. But this isn't a fantasy world, and they can't teleport the kids out from their moronic parents. It's just like the kids in a car while their parents are driving drunk straight into a brick wall. You feel bad for em, but it's the parents fault for being dumb.

No one cares.
cNN pro-israel jewish investors fake news propaganda marketing to incite wars.

It’s not the universities or students that did this that need to be disciplined. It was the corporate media, like CNN muslimophobic fake news media political propaganda marketing actors and investors, that started it all by promoting israel genocide on Palestine that fueled (programmed) the students that caused pro-palestine protests and insurrection at universities across American and the world

Corrupt corporate media like CNN political marketing actors did EXACTLY the same frenzy with J6 and George Floyd that incited controversies, chaos, protests, hate, racism, riots, violence, insurrection and death across America and other nations across the world . The corrupt media propaganda actors exploit an incident hourly with propaganda of mixed biased political opinions that fuels controversy to trigger, incite and motivate the whole nation to rise up into one huge wildfire.

“We the People”are not the problem in society, it’s the corrupt politicians and corporate news media pushing the political narrative propaganda. They use TV and social media to market the political narrative and program the minds of the public to conduct their civil and government unrests to achieve their hidden agenda of money and power.

Did you see on TV how the corporate media was depressed after standing around all day and night at UCLA, Super Bowl was cancelled. A super riot clash didn’t breakout between police and students as the media wanted. The media didn’t complete it’s political narrative of escalation like George Floyd or J6 and didn’t get the billion dollar commercial sale : No one got hurt or killed. Great job governor, mayors, police, UCLA and students of not escalating to total violence and bloodshed. Cnn was a FAIL

*We now return you to CNN’s actors of normal fake news hourly propaganda marketing programming against republicans to overthrow 2024 election ️