Where pro-Palestinian university protests are happening around the world | CNN

While clashes and standoffs with police at New York’s Columbia University, Portland State and UCLA have captured global attention, demonstrations and sit-ins are also being held on campuses in parts of Europe, Asia and the Middle East



The funniest moment in these riots was when the students were screeching for the defunding of police, and then when the pro-American, pro-Israeli groups finally retaliated and there was some argey-bargey, they were practically sobbing into the cameras, saying the police stood by and did nothing.. just let them be 'persecuted' and 'attacked' by the nasty lovers of America and Israel.
But then, Woke madness has taken over, and the U.S. has gone under. Trying to put your main political rival ILLEGALLY and farcically in prison, like they do in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela etc. is also not a good look, people. And what we're seeing of the next generation of politicians, economists, law officers (including FBI agents) and local law makers ..... very frightening.
Ol' Joke, at least, has kept that promise - that they would "do everything necessary" to keep Trump from becoming President again. The trouble is, there are enough citizens who realise that this has gone too far, and are ashamed of the obvious ploy - especially when the Obam-sorry, Biden Administration's got nothing to show for it, and nothing to offer.
Intelligent Americans just want the halcyon days they remember having.. including in the world... when Trump was in power, and - at last - they are starting to see sense... too late for things to get back quickly to what they were, but headed in the right direction!

I do not understand why University administrators don't use this as a learning moment. Arrange an organized debate and discussion: bring the greatest minds together from both sides, spokespeople, students, faculty, experts... listen to one another, understand the history and complexities of the conflict and perhaps even find viable solutions. These students represent the greatest minds of the next generation. They need to engage about the issues in an academic manner. They need to use critical thinking, base their opinions on factual information and share their research. What better place to do this than on ivy league university campuses. If they really want to be heard, this is the only way. Shouting slogans and intimidating others, vandalizing and threatening will not make them heard.

Marcy Levin Geva,they won't accept in fact of consciousness they're teaching us about the law no one is above the law but we discovered the same people are teaching human rights and international law they're breaking. Does anyone explain the right bombing of hospitals? Whatever reason but those pretend lawmakers come up with silly excuse yes because terrorists use hospitals as a military base, and they're expecting us to accept. The same people are preaching about sovereignty of other states as condemn Russia in Ukraine but the same become blind when Netanyahu occupied Palestine and Rwanda occupied eastern region of DRCongo Well knowledgeable they're on wrong site against Justice in fact of the white supremacy let do it, I always says repeatedly to my friends colonialism, slavery and apartheid never and ever get done they only updated strategies so is hard brainwash to notice.

University after university in the USA are falling into the hands of jihadists and their progressive supporters.
They are taking advantage of democracy in the US to force their opinions. How ironic that they support extremist Islamic regimes that execute LGBT people, humiliate women and kill regime opponents.
The beautiful America is falling. Wake up!

America had turned a blind eye to the brainwashing in its university campuses of far too long and what we see today is simply the eruption of a brewing anger resulted from the Marxist and antisemitic professors that were handsomely paid with Qatari money and assisted by Russian and Chinese bots and platforms!
We are watching the fastest value loss of a brand in history - from Ivy League to Poison Ivy League!

There has never been a Palestinian state, Never! In fact, in this little corner of the earth that is modern day Israel, there’s been everything but a Palestinian state. History speaks for itself. God Will Bless and Protect Israel

God will always defend Israel
Why? Because Israel belongs to Him. God didn’t choose a nation, at that time Israel wasn’t a nation. God chose Abraham and built a nation from him. God was setting up Jesus’ lineage, and that’s the core of why God chose Israel as “His chosen people.”

“Israel, I will bless those that bless you, and curse those who curse you.” ~God~

איה השלמה
1. Tell me how homless jews who came in immigration ships with only clothes on them had the money to buy lands ? That only happened in very small lands selled to jewish business men . Nothing more

2. Who cares about what the western controlled UN have to say in deviding a land full of its own people ?
If the UN now decide to take your home and give it to someone else , would you accept that ?

3. Stop the lies , the Zionists wanted a land only for them , that what zionizm is about in first place,
Pay attention to those first Zionist meetings , all were asking to give the land of Palestine only to the jews

No one cares.
CNN propaganda fake news actors trying to keep it alive and incite more chaos. You need to go after the ones that fund CNN.

It’s not the students that did this or need to be disciplined. It was the corporate media, like CNN fake news propaganda actors and marketers, that promoted and programmed the students that caused pro-palestine protests and insurrection at universities across American .

Corporate media like CNN did exactly the same thing with J6 and George Floyd protests and insurrection across America , giving it hourly publicity that spreada like a virus and causes others to join in.

People are not the problem in society, it’s the fake news media pushing the political narrative propaganda that incites and programs all this unrest.

Did you see how the corporate media clowns was depressed after standing at UCLA all night and a riot and clash was a fail between police and students? They didn’t get the big dollar story

No one got hurt or killed. Great job police and students, CNN was a FAIL

*We now return you to CNN’ normal fake news hourly propaganda marketing programming against trump to overthrow 2024 election ️

Israel is over man What makes me happy is that the American media was brainwashing their people and portraying Israel as the victim...and they spent billions on this. And TikTok came to destroy them The liberation of Palestine will be from America. And Europe liberated Palestine. The peoples of Europe will now taste from the same cup. Not a single American will accept that his money be spent on killing children and women, because the future leaders in America are university students. Now they will not support the killing of children again. History will witness that America was imposing sanctions on countries. For suppressing the demonstrations, and now peaceful demonstrations are being suppressed in America, the fake democracy, shame on you.

New York and California are the only states that seem to have these problems. Oh, these are Democrat run states support CRIMINALs, Women having their legs forced open and penetrated by HAMAS terrorist among numerous other vile atrocities. These spoiled Criminals, so called educational institutions and their faculty hate JEWISH people. DEMOCRAT Governors NEWSOM and HOCHUL allowed these terrorist camps to happen in the first place. The Democrats/Left-Winger Criminals and Faculty laugh as they know nothing will happen to them because of the Democrat Prosecutors Bragg and Gascon will not prosecute. CNN and the rest of the Left-Wing media are antisemitic and hide behind the way the report stories by not calling out Biden for not condemning these terrorists, supporting legislation to go after RACIST institutions funded by our TAX DOLLARS, but numerous ELECTED DEMOCRAT REPESENTAIVEs also hate Jewish people and support Women having their legs forced opened and penetrated among numerous other atrocities at the hands of HAMAS terrorist. From the world to at home, BIDEN and DEMOCRATS have just created DIVISION, CHAOS and INSTABILITY.

10ºMarcy Levin Geva I agree with your idea, but only in an ideal world where people mutually respect each other and care to hear each other's ideas. Just sitting back and watching what is happening, I don't think that mutual respect exists. Critical thinking, assessing situations based on facts, listening...these are skills that are notably becoming absent in modern society and are being replaced with shallow emotion-driven conclusions based on short social-media blips that are more propaganda and opinion than facts. This way of handling hot topics ails society far beyond the mess happening in Gaza right now.

Another ideal that is shattered here is the idea of coming together to debate and discuss. The protestors on most of these campuses have had enough of the discussion and now think they personally need to do something - activism. They don't think talking will amount to anything unless THEIR demands are met - little to no room for compromise. Complicating matters is that they have people in the mix that don't even know why they are in the mix - they are just their for the broad idea of supporting Gazans, with a counter group just there to support Israel. The details of the demands of the actual protest organizers escapes them, but they add to the passion and numbers, and that's fine with them. It just makes it harder for any discussion to truly occur. The situation becomes worse when those same protestors start breaking into facilities, using violence and destruction to force compliance with their perspective. There is no two-way debate and discussion.

So, my take is, while I like your idea, it doesn't sound like the people involved fit the temperament and patience that would be needed to implement such an idea, especially since these people are fed up and think action MUST occur, albeit only in the way they want and no other way is acceptable.

Lastly, I'll throw a little fun dig in there; In prior generations you could argue the case that the brightest minds went to these institutions; that is, after all, the reason these universities have their reputations. Nowadays, attending and Ivy League or other top-tier school does not necessarily mean you are the brightest minds of your generation (you just might be, though). It just means you figured out the secret sauce of how to get into that organization. I've met plenty of people who come from those institutions whose ability to open a box with a box cutter I'd question, and I've met plenty of unassuming characters who went to lower institutions or who never even attended a college whose acumen I would trust to solve large problems more than I'd blindly trust an Ivy league graduate. Humility and Brains are better than Hubris and Brains.