Daniel Radcliffe ‘really sad’ about J.K. Rowling’s anti-trans rhetoric | CNN

Don’t look for Daniel Radcliffe and J.K. Rowling to reunite any time soon.



Jason Johnson
There it is, the timeless "centuries of biological facts" argument, reminiscent of when people insisted the Earth was flat for centuries.

It's fascinating how scientific understanding evolves over time. Remember when it was believed that the sun revolved around the Earth? Science has a long history of updating its views as new evidence emerges. And just because skeletons from the past conform to a binary understanding of gender doesn't mean that's the full story. It's akin to suggesting that because we once thought the sun orbited the Earth, that must still be true today.

The lengths some people will go to, clinging to pseudoscientific notions just so they can justify their discrimination and anti-trans views.

Randy Rice
There it is, the old "celebrate mental illness" trope. Some bigot was bound to exhume it from the archaic anti-gay archives. It's quite the stretch to equate acknowledging and supporting someone's gender identity with celebrating mental illness. It's like saying supporting someone through cancer treatment means celebrating cancer.

Gender identity isn't a mental illness, and the medical consensus supports this. It's about recognizing and respecting us for who we are, not demonizing us for something we can't control.

Your views are not congruent with the any major medical organizations such as the American Psychological Association, that are quite clear that being transgender is not a mental illness.