Xi Jinping à Paris : « C’est une gifle qu’Emmanuel Macron nous donne », estiment les Ouïgours de France

Alors que plusieurs pays occidentaux, dont les Etats-Unis, la France et le Royaume-Uni, ont dénoncé un « génocide » en cours contre les Ouïgours, le président chinois doit atterrir dimanche à Paris, pour une visite d’Etat.



Amazing to see the US entering panic mode over absolutely nothing. Students didn't hurt anybody. They simply seek to alert the American public to the horrors in Gaza. But the US government won't even acknowledge there is a problem after 7 months. So they are sending riot police, basically, to enforce national denial and dementia

Zionists Media "demonize" the students' peaceful protests! Can't get why everybody is panicking!

The US government is subject to Israel's government

The resistance now that will be born after the US waged war on their own students will be unreal.

The kids of today are awake and will not sleep

"The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are."

- Cicero