Le Kenya frappé par « l’un des plus violents épisodes du phénomène El Niño depuis 1950 »

Les recherches s’effectuent à l’odeur, ou bien en suivant des yeux les charognards qui survolent les monticules d’arbres et de boue. Le bilan des inondations s’élève à 188 morts depuis mars.



Oh, my child, how can I explain The wonders of colors, the beauty of a flower's domain? How the sky stretches wide, how trees and cars pass by, In a world you've yet to see, under the open sky.
Blind to the hues that paint the world so bright, To the petals that dance in the softest light, To the azure expanse that knows no end, To the trees that in the wind bend.
How can I describe the crimson of a rose, Or the gentle scent that from it flows? Or the vibrant greens of leaves in spring, Or the joy that birds in chorus sing?
How do I tell you of a bus's roar, Or a car's hum as it speeds and explores? How do I convey the world's vast array, In a way that you can feel and play?
Oh, my God, guide me in this quest, To paint with words what can't be addressed. To make you feel the world's embrace, In a way that time and sight can't erase.
For though you may not see the world's grandeur, Its essence, its spirit, its vibrant tenor, Know that it's here, alive and real, A tapestry of wonder for you to feel.
