Can you spot the hidden junk fees? Test your knowledge of sneaky charges with our quiz

You thought you were spending $19, but five mysterious fees later at checkout, your total is now $27.25. Can you spot the hidden junk fees? Test your knowledge of sneaky charges with our quiz.


Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work. 7 yr ago

Good News for Nebraskans - And Everyone Else

By Anna Von Reitz

When all the States wake up and realize that the "Federal" Government is engaged in a giant con game of the same kind as Central Bank Digital Currencies with their promotion of "NOTES" as currency, it will be even better.

After all, if you can understand that Central Bank Digital Currencies are not "lawful money" and that the public is being victimized by inflation of a substituted "legal tender", how much more does it take to extrapolate that Big Discovery into the realization that Federal Reserve Notes have done exactly the same thing?

Just sayin'.