Trump’s bombardment of dishonesty: Fact-checking 32 of his false claims to Time | CNN Politics

Fact check: Former President Donald Trump delivered a bombardment of dishonesty in his interviews with Time magazine, making at least 32 false claims in the two April interviews that Time released this week.


Trump told over 30,000 verified lies during his presidency.


31% of Americans when asked about their greatest fears for the country’s future, mentioned a rise of fascism and extremism - NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National poll

If Trump is ever allowed to return to the White House, there is no reason to believe he will ever leave office peacefully.

If Trump loses, he’ll again challenge the results, again conspire to overturn the election and again incite political violence,
And if he wins? Then you have an insurrectionist in command of the most powerful military in the world.

Trump refused to sign a decades-old pledge for 2024 ballot access in Illinois which states he will not “advocate the overthrow of government” if he loses.

“Trump’s assault on democracy isn’t just part of his past. It’s what he’s promising for the future. He’s been straightforward. He’s not hiding the ball,”
“His first rally for the 2024 campaign opened with a choir of January 6 insurrectionists singing from prison on cellphone, while images of the January 6 riot playing on the big screen behind him.
“Trump began his 2024 campaign by glorifying the failed violent insurrection … on our Capitol. Trump is now promising a full scale campaign of revenge and retribution, his words, for some years to come.” – Biden, 1/5/24

“The Constitution is hanging by a thread . . . The funny thing is, I always thought it would be the other guys. And it’s my side. That just rips at my heart: that we would be the people who would surrender the Constitution in order to win an election. That just blows my mind.”- Former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R)
He called a failed Republican proposal that would have allowed the legislature to overturn election results in his state akin to “fascism.” “The legislature, after the election, could dismiss the election.”

“ … the former president is a clear and present danger — an imminent danger to American democracy today."
“. . . to this very day the former president, his allies and supporters pledge that in the presidential election of 2024 — if the former president or his anointed successor as the Republican Party presidential candidate were to lose that election — that they would attempt to overturn that 2024 election in the same way that they attempted to overturn the 2020 election.” – Judge Luttig
His Conservative Republican credentials are impeccable, and his warning about the former president and his supporters is unequivocal.

Trump called for the termination of parts of the Constitution because of his 2020 Electoral College loss.
90% of congressional Republicans have nothing to say about that.

Nothing Trump did or does could have been possible without Republicans at the local, county, state, and federal level.

With current state laws, the winning 2024 candidate could need a national popular vote win of 4 to 7 percentage points to squeak out an Electoral College victory.

We have 519,682 elected officials in this country elected by who gets the most votes. Except for President and VP.

We need to guarantee the candidate who wins the most popular votes among all 50 states and DC always wins the presidency.
States with 61 more electoral votes are needed to enact the National Popular Vote bill.
Every vote in every state will matter and count equally as 1 vote in the national total.

Our unfair presidential election system can lead to politicians and their enablers who appreciate unfairness, which leads to more unfairness, and sometimes crimes and violence.

The Constitution gives states the power to replace their state laws now, to agree that winning the national popular vote is required to win the Electoral College and the presidency.

The sheer magnitude of the national popular vote numbers in presidential elections, compared to individual (especially battleground) state vote totals, is much more robust against “pure insanity,” deception, manipulation, and recently, crimes and violence.

Because of current state-by-state statewide winner-take-all laws, not mentioned, much less endorsed, in the Constitution. . .

If as few as 11,000 voters in Arizona (11 electors), 12,000 in Georgia (16), and 22,000 in Wisconsin (10) had not voted for Biden, or partisan officials did not certify the actual counts -- Trump would have won despite Biden's nationwide lead of more than 7 million.
The Electoral College would have tied 269-269.
Congress, with only 1 vote per state, would have decided the election, regardless of the popular vote in any state or throughout the country.

- States enacting the National Popular Vote bill are agreeing to award all their Electoral College votes to the winner of the most popular votes from all 50 states and DC, by simply replacing their state’s current district or statewide winner-take-all law (not mentioned, much less endorsed, in the Constitution).

States have the exclusive and plenary constitutional power to replace state laws now for how to award electors, before voting begins.

The bill has been enacted by 18 small, medium, and large jurisdictions with 209 electoral votes
When states with 270+ electors combined enact the bill, the candidate who wins the most national popular votes will be guaranteed to win the Electoral College.

All votes will be valued equally in presidential elections, no matter where voters live.

No more distorting, crude, and divisive red and blue state maps of predictable outcomes, that don’t represent any minority party voters within each state.
No more handful of 'battleground' states (where the two major political parties happen to have similar levels of support) where voters and policies are more important than those of the voters in 41+ predictable winner states that have just been 'spectators' and ignored after the conventions.
We can end the outsized power, influence, and vulnerability of the few battleground states in order to better serve our nation.

The Constitution does not encourage, discourage, require, or prohibit the use of any particular state law for awarding a state's electoral votes.

It is perfectly within a state’s authority to decide that national popularity is the overriding substantive criterion by which a president should be chosen.

We need to support election officials, candidates, and lawmakers who consistently and aggressively support voting rights and respect election results and facts.
This didn’t use to be controversial.

Independent and Black voters both understand how the fifth column is ravaging, destroying and disintegrating our country.

Biden/Obama Democrats and progressives are now waging political war against Trump using the legal system- (LAWFARE).

Sadly, the DOJ and state courts as well are infested with ravenous wolves using every ploy and method to surround and consume its prey.

Not only are un-elected radical judges, prosecutors and bureaucrats using FISA against the American people, but now they are using any type of cobbled together statutes and vague manner of legalese to help them bring phony made up cases against the people to harass, bankrupt them and imprison them.

Democrats using the same legal philosophy of Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, head of the NKVD under Stalin "Show me the man and I will find the crime." -Next it would be an assassination of Trump after the democrats try to strip Trump of his Secret Service Protection.

The defense and prosecution went back-and-forth all week weeding out jurors.
Now this is in the hands of the justice system.
Should Donald Trump accept whatever verdict the jury renders in this case?
Hope is that all Americans can trust our judicial system, and that’s really what this case we’ll prove out.

It makes no sense that they’ve waited years to bring these types of charges against Trump. If they wanted to make these kinds of charges against him- they should have done it two years ago when this happened to do it conveniently during a presidential election when he’s campaigning to return to the White House, I think proves without question that this is all politically motivated.
This is the new way that Democrats are fighting by using the US judicial system and activist radical judges. Democrats know they cannot defeat President Trump in an HONEST election so they use Lawfare instead.

There is a saying: “The Shepard drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat for which the sheep thanks the Shepard as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty.” Obviously the wolf and the sheep are not agreed on the definition of the word “liberty” and the same is true in today’s courts.
In Trump’s trial - we have Trump as the Shepard and protector of America’s sheep and at the same time he is being looked at by the wolves as prey. Not only would the wolves ravage him, but they would consume the sheep as well. As he is the one putting himself in harms way, saving this country.


Those who cling to the tall tales and lies of the ex-pres will never admit that he has lied to them, scammed their money... because to do so would be to admit that they fell for it, thereby, enabling the 'boss' to continue to use these tactics. Still waiting for the Kraken? The 60 some-odd charges that never made it to trial? And I find it curious that suddenly no family members are in the news, but quietly spending $2b from foreign entities. He never wanted to be president, he just wanted to play one on TV. The real threat is whoever is orchestrating this sham and the followers who won't admit they've been duped and so allow it all to continue.

Ernie Demas You are responsible for your own finances, not the government.

Gas prices are not $7.00 a gallon, nice try. Gas prices are not set by any presidency, it’s based on supply and demand, genius. Oil is a commodity and is traded on the market daily based on supply and demand, also, to make matters worse, OPEC reduced its production by a million barrels a day in order to maximize their profits.

How do you think goods are transported and what method is being used for transport? How to you make trucks run or boats move? Oil, also, the grocery prices are not set by any presidency, the grocers do.

Crime is down, genius. Police departments across the country report their numbers, genius.

I can see why Trump loves the poorly educated like you. Stupidity, gullibility, and ignorance are your traits.

Nice try..

Kathy Coleman
Who is lying? CNN has spread more than their fair share of lies & some whoppers at that.
What CNN fails to do is give equal airtime & criticism to Biden.
Cupcake CNN has mislead you far more than Trump. If you have something against liars and still backing Biden i will assume you actually believe he has 3 degrees, drove an 18 wheeler & spent his childhood in a variety of churches, synagogues and mosques. And the real kicker is he actually believes he had a conversation with a man who was in the grave 5 years when that convo took place & apparently you do as well.

Erin Foster Dolan -- Do you really want our President to only help people in a family with the surname 'Sheridan'?

Instead the President has been helping the American people.

Specifically he pushed for and signed into law the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
He championed the Chips and Science Act that is bringing computer chip manufacturing back to America.
He passed the Cares Act that expanded access to healthcare for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. Do you even know what those are?
And President Biden has helped lead the country out of the pandemic, and into an economic recovery that is the envy of the industrialized world.

I'm sure the "Sheridan people" you seem to care so much about benefitted from those accomplishments, just like the rest of us have, including YOU...;)

Robert Bryant just this morning a guy was parroting the same crap about the 2020 election. Seriously?! Everyone heard Trump's claims that were repeated. I questioned because I wanted to know what the hell? Pretty I was the only one who questioned and then...wait for it...listened to the answer. If it makes sense, I'm good. If not, I'll dig in. Aren't any of these people intellectually curious? When the first case of measles in Atlanta, I was curious how it came into the country. Health Department alerts aren't hard to find. Flew into Dulles from Europe to Atlanta. How's that for some trivia. Anywhoo, no one wanted to hear the facts once it became an outbreak. Didn't matter I could cite my source. Had to blame the illegal immigrants and the southern border. Ugh. Sorry for the rant.

Speaking of Facts Checks!!
I would love to see you bring up my suggestion for the presidential debate or debates!

I would ask for AI to also be part of any presidential debate! I would want to see AI used ! But not to change voices ,faces, or facts! Instead of AI used to get one defeated and the other elected by fakery,but instead to decide statements made in a debate! And then in in real time immediately put on the screen ,what that man just said was fact, partially fact,a partial lie, or absolutely a lie!
Use AI the way it should be used to help humans and not to trick US!

Robo Lynch.
Every politician gets fact-checked and fact checker will rate statements for veracity (half true, left out key info, cites a bad research group, etc).

Trump is a pathological liar. He’s in a class by himself.

For example, on Thursday he told reporters “The judge won’t let me testify!”

It’s just a flat out lie. Judge had to take time from court the next day to instruct him that he can testify if he wants.

President of the United States chief duty is “see to it the laws are faithfully executed.” Surely a president knows our legal system enough to know all criminal defendants can choose to testify, or not, in their own defense.

This is a tiny example of the non-stop deluge of lying that is Trump’s speech. He lies, as above example, when there’s no confusion on facts, not a complex issue, no misunderstanding, not faulty memory etc, and no need to lie.

Lying is just what he does. And note: He’s convicted in four court cases of fraud.

He’s a sociopath really. No other politician is on par.

10ºMark Elder Joe Biden dropped out go his first Attempt to be President in the late 1980's as he got caught Plagiarizing speech's & lying about his Education while Campaigning. It made National & other Country's News & even the Top Rated Talk Show Host Johnny Carson joked about it. I come from a Democratic family who loved the Kennedy's, my Dad recognized Biden was stealing Kennedy's speech's before it even made National News. Fact is the man should have been asked to Resign or Forced out of Politics for that alone, but No Government (in this case the Democrats) apparently like people who Cheat & lie. Talk about setting a Bad Example, Plagiarism & Lying on ones Resume" should be number one on what not to do while Campaigning, yet Biden did.